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salute 金庸

1. 書劍恩仇錄 1955
The Book and the Sword

2. 碧血劍 1956
Sword Stained with Royal Blood

3. 射鵰英雄傳 1957
The Legend of Condor Heroes

4. 雪山飛狐 1959
Flying Fox of Snowy Mountain

5. 神鵰俠侶 1959
The Return of the Condor Heroes

6. 飛狐外傳 1960
Other Tales of the Flying Fox

7. 白馬嘯西風 1961
The White Horse in the West Wind

8. 鴛鴦刀 1961
Blade-dance of the Two Lovers

9. 倚天屠龍記 1961
The Heaven Sword and Dragon Sabe

10. 連城訣 1963
A Deadly Secret

11. 天龍八部 1963
Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils

12. 俠客行 1965
Ode to Gallantry

13. 笑傲江湖 1967
The Smiling, Proud Wanderer

14. 鹿鼎記 1969
The Deer and the Cauldron

15. 越女劍 1970
Sword of the Yue Maiden

one of the most influential
modern Chinese-language novelists.

he has many fans abroad around the world as well,
thanks to the numerous adaptations
of his works made into films, television series,
manhua (comic books),and video games.

After Jin Yong completed all his titles,
it was discovered that the first characters
of the first 14 titles can be joined together
to form a couplet with 7 characters on each line:

Loose translation
Shooting a white deer, snow flutters around the skies;
Smiling, [one] writes about the divine chivalrous one,
leaning against bluish lovebirds (or lover)