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ocean comic 温日良

ocean comic used to be one of the publication
house that produce many great comic...
like: 海虎 1, 2 & 3, 武神, 武神凤凰, 天煞狂刀, 赤柱饭堂...

and 温日良 previous great comic such as
我若为皇 & 黑豹列传...still the best.
and it always team up with 邓志辉...

but now on he try on many new style
of story line like: 兇獸武者,
邪狼·三兄弟, 飞天, 狂风沙, 杀手日记 & 风刃
still good try, although all
not more the 10 issues...
still very inspiring...

after review the recent artwork...
武神飞天, 武神终极, 武神海虎, 武神飞沙
really can stop watch it already...