The daughter of renowned furniture designer Vladimir Kagan, Jessica Kagan Cushman, was initially introduced into the fashion jewelry realm with her popular engraved fossilized mammoth ivory and resin word bangles. Now she's expanded her line of whimsical and wearable creations to include clever tote bags that have just as much to say.
Her cotton canvas totes (Statement Totes) and coated canvas totes with patent trim (JKC Logo bags) play off of popular cultural phrases, text phrases, and take not so subtle knocks at expensive designer handbags in their phrases and /or design. Ironically, though, these aren't cheap.
The cotton canvas tote bags come in two sizes, the smaller is $45.00, the larger $70.00:
My other bag is Prada:

My other bag is Fendi:

My other bag is Hermes:

My other bag is Louis Vuitton:

Does this bag make me look fat?:

This bag makes me look rich and skinny:

The coated canvas bags with patent trim (JKC logo totes) are much pricier starting at $130.00 and up to $325.00:
WTF (what the fuck):

OMG (Oh My God):

LOL (laugh out loud):

Morsus Mihi (Bite me):

Chocolate or death:

Keep calm and carry on:

Never, never, never give up.:

She also has a series of clutch purses in real snakeskin (hot pink, red, black, gold, silver or python) that feature reproduction scrimshaw drawings that strongly resemble Fornasetti images or with plaques whose options include: Wasp, "Bitch", "Bite Me" and "If you can read this you're too close"

There's plenty more to see at her site.

>shop for her totes as well as her bangles and clutches here.