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Why Is Sankranti Celebrated

Why Is Sankranti Celebrated. Celebrated in specific
  • Celebrated in specific

  • Eolian
    Mar 29, 12:40 PM
    Yo! check out this key clause to Amazon's Terms Of Use >

    5.2.Our Right to Access Your Files.
    You give us the right to access, retain, use and disclose your account information and Your Files: to provide you with technical support and address technical issues; to investigate compliance with the terms of this Agreement, enforce the terms of this Agreement and protect the Service and its users from fraud or security threats; or as we determine is necessary to provide the Service or comply with applicable law.

    WTF ???!!!

    Wonderful, in that Files are encouraged to include photos, documents, etc. :mad:

    "... access, retain, use and disclose ... as we determine is necessary ..."

    No thanks.

    Why Is Sankranti Celebrated. Preparing for Makar Sankranti
  • Preparing for Makar Sankranti

  • sineplex
    Apr 6, 05:30 PM
    Shame people are brainwashed by Apple with their crappy product, and the superior tablet is behind on sales. Im sure it will pick up soon.

    why is it a shame? because everyone isn't buying what you're buying?

    just enjoy what ever you like and be thankful that you have choices.
    please support motorolla, please support apple and everyone else.

    these really are just glorified toys for adults but people talk about them like theyr'e the holy grail.

    Why Is Sankranti Celebrated. To celebrate Maghe
  • To celebrate Maghe

  • CalBoy
    May 3, 12:58 AM
    SI is superior in conversions only
    Imperial is superior as I actually have a feel for the numbers

    Please tell me that's sarcasm. :rolleyes:

    I have a "feel" for Imperial measurements, and they are a pain in the ***.

    I don't think so, and I'm not being sarcastic.

    Temperature is a great example. Celsius and Kelvin are fantastic for science and engineering for obvious reasons, but when it comes to everyday uses, Fahrenheit makes more sense. It's very intuitive to think of numbers on a 100 scale. That's why when you're looking at the weather or taking someone's body temperature, it's easier to get a grasp of what is "high" or "low." Fahrenheit is also more accurate for casual uses because it can express smaller changes more easily than Celsius.

    The metric system also lacks easy naming schemes for everyday sizes. Recipes, for example, would have to be written out in ml rather than cups or spoons. In such a situation, base 10 is not helpful at all because recipes are rarely divided or multiplied by 10. The metric system could in fact be worse for such applications because cutting 473 ml in half is more of a pain than cutting 2 cups in half (and yes, while recipes could theoretically be modified to be in flat metric ratios, the fact is that there are far too many recipes in existence already for that to be realistic in the short-medium term).

    However, we have been seeing the transition to metric in some subtler ways. Soda, water, and juice have been sold in metric quantities for a while now, and I've even seen more and more bags of chips, boxes of cereal, and some candy bars (mind you not popular ones) come in metric sizes. This is obviously advantageous for manufacturers because it means a streamlined production line. I just don't think we're going to get most people to use the metric system for non-scientific daily tasks because it may not be as superior as it would seem at first blush.

    Why Is Sankranti Celebrated. It is celebrated as harvest
  • It is celebrated as harvest

  • hulugu
    Apr 18, 12:44 PM
    Freelance work is different because you probably negotiate a price and a timeline....

    Capital gains allows you to choose the timeline and the price to a point. If Capital Gains is special because of time-linked shifts in pricing, why isn't freelance income.

    In my mind, income is income.

    Why Is Sankranti Celebrated. Although they celebrate the
  • Although they celebrate the

  • socamx
    Aug 11, 09:01 AM
    Why would they give the Macbook that but leave the iMac with the original Core Duo? Doesn't make sense. I would think all three would get it or just the Macbook Pro.

    Why Is Sankranti Celebrated. sankranti observed Andsend
  • sankranti observed Andsend

  • bearcatrp
    Apr 25, 11:21 AM
    IF apple is not collecting the data, then what's the point of the file in the first place. Or, how come there is not a way for users to delete this file on the phone when they see fit. Sure, all the carriers are collecting all data, per patriot act and newer laws enacted since.
    Someone should ask steve this question?
    Does any government agency collect this data, through apple, or by other means? I'll bet he will hee haw around this question!
    This stuff is part of the cloud computing. You will have a advertisement come across your phone when you go into areas that advertise through the phones. All of them will be doing this. Part of the business model. Get used to it as there is nothing we can do about it besides shutting your phone off and getting rid of them.

    Why Is Sankranti Celebrated. Makar Sankranti is also
  • Makar Sankranti is also

  • KindredMAC
    Aug 7, 09:35 PM
    You can get third party 1GB sticks for about $200 each. No point in wasting slots with more 512 sticks. You can run fine with 1GB out of the box. It will be plenty fast. I would also dumb down the HD to 160 and save another $75 which is what you can buy a 250 for IN ADDITION TO THE 160 you will get - even 400GB/300 SATA for only about $99 - $129.

    I recommend base MINUS $75 HD DOWN to 160GB plus maybe ADD Bluetooth for $29 and perhaps ADD a second video card if you have three or four monitors for $150 more and that's IT.

    $2603 List Retail or $2393 Educational Plus Tax.

    That's less than I paid for this Refurbed G5 Quad - such a deal. ;)

    RAM and HDs from third parties. Airport can be done later if you don't need it now.
    I'd watch that last sentence... Airport was NOT an option you could add on LATER with the PowerMac G5's. Are you sure about that statement?

    Why Is Sankranti Celebrated. Makar Sankranti is celebrated
  • Makar Sankranti is celebrated

  • Multimedia
    Jul 23, 02:20 AM
    ...only if the Macbooks also get a price drop, because the Core Duo chips should get a price drop, if Intel even keeps making them.

    What everyone keeps forgetting in this discussion, however, is that the Core2 Duo chips will be considerably more energy efficient, reducing heat production and prolonging battery life. Considering that they will be introduced at the same price as the current Core Duo chips, why not use them in the Macbook, at the 2 GHz speed?

    Furthermore, transitioning all Macs to 64 bit chips as quickly as possible would also hasten the transition to a true 64 bit system, as developers would have more reason to develop for a 64 bit environment (assuming that OS X 10.5 is truly 64 bit).I'm with you MacInDoc. Intel is not going to keep selling Yonah for long before they stop making them. Anyone who does the least amount of research should see that Merom is a much better way to go for all the reasons you mention. If Apple is really trying to stay state-of-the-art, they will lose Yonah as soon as Intel's supply can keep up with Apple's production volume. On the MacBook front, this should be able to happen by October-November, I imagine.

    If Apple doesn't put Core 2 Duo in MacBooks @ 1.83 & 2GHz by November, the competition on the PC front is going to make Apple look like they are selling outdated products as if they are current. This will not fly among savy buyers and MacBook sales might falter - perhaps even tank without such a switch. :eek:

    Almost all mobile computers selling for more than $1k by November will be Core 2 Duo. So for the holiday shopping season, Apple has got to put them inside MacBooks by then.

    Why Is Sankranti Celebrated. Makar Sankranti is perhaps the
  • Makar Sankranti is perhaps the

  • HecubusPro
    Sep 16, 11:24 AM
    Slot Load Blu-ray Drive Exists � Sony Sells Blu-ray VAIOs

    And I wouldn't be opposed to having a blu-ray drive in my MBP, though I doubt it's going to happen anytime soon what with the blue laser shortages at Sony.

    Why Is Sankranti Celebrated. Sankranti (the day Sun enters
  • Sankranti (the day Sun enters

  • mdriftmeyer
    Mar 31, 01:25 AM
    Very true but those Macs are portables, not iMacs and certainly not the overpriced and overpowered Xeon server driven Mac Pro's that replaced the affordable and (at the time) upgradeable G4's and G5's we all used for our work. What happened to the dedicated 20/23/30" LCD CCFL Apple Cinema Display line, or even the Apple Studio Display line before them? Replaced with ONE 27" LED LCD based off the 27" iMac (basically an iMac without a computer). Times change, I get it, but why do they have to leave us power users who supported them before the iPod and need Apple systems for work behind? It's costing us thousands to switch to Windows systems and applications such as Avid and Premiere Pro/Adobe Suites.

    IDevices are amazing, but please, don't make the already dwindling prosumers systems become iOS systems for the average Joe. There are a lot of people on here that are new comers from Apple's iPod/iPhone influx that don't know/understand what this is doing to those who really need OS X and affordable mid-towers and top notch displays again� and once built in California, now "designed" in California. Man, sad times for us and the states on that change...

    They sold well over 1 million desktops/workstation units last quarter and will surpass that quite handily this quarter.

    People who think they know Apple's long term strategy as iOS only know nothing of Apple.

    Why Is Sankranti Celebrated. Makar Sankranti or Sankranthi
  • Makar Sankranti or Sankranthi

  • Alex Urchin
    Nov 22, 01:22 AM
    Wasn't it exactly the same story with the iPod?

    Why Is Sankranti Celebrated. Makara Sankranti and Lohri of
  • Makara Sankranti and Lohri of

  • Dagless
    Apr 10, 11:19 AM
    Brackets; 12.
    48/2; 24.

    Lots of votes for 2! Am I wrong?

    Why Is Sankranti Celebrated. MAKARA SANKRANTI BY ABHAY

  • DeaconGraves
    May 4, 04:50 PM
    exactly! if the app's sole purpose was to create a boot disc, then that's awesome. if someone the app could create a boot disc and upgrade the OS, then that's awesome.

    however, if the app will only install lion on a machine running a working copy of snow leopard, then there will be problems.

    keep in mind, right now exactly 0% of the products sold on the app store will run without the OS already installed.

    And there's been exactly 0% of Operating Systems sold on the app store. And 0% of stories that downloading Lion will be excactly like downloading every other app on the app store.

    Why Is Sankranti Celebrated. Indian festival celebrated
  • Indian festival celebrated

  • MacBuck
    May 8, 08:03 AM
    I'm one of the people that find the price tag to be a bit hefty. But, I'd rather not use it than have a free watered-down service.

    Why Is Sankranti Celebrated. was celebrated in school.
  • was celebrated in school.

  • battaxan
    Dec 10, 02:06 AM
    I accept with information:Voice Control occasionally comes up with some pretty funny ways that it pronounces names, and you have to pronounce it that way if you want that particular name to come up.

    Why Is Sankranti Celebrated. I celebrated Sankranti in
  • I celebrated Sankranti in

  • Ed Andrews
    Nov 7, 03:06 PM
    1-the most useful function of av software for me is the ability to identify corrupt files [an unintended effect]

    when the program scans a disk it attempts to open every file.
    if a file has a bad resource or data fork it throws up an error
    gives you a chance to find a good copy
    works on archives too, but not disk images

    i find this very useful, but have never seen it mentioned in any of these endless anti-av flame threads

    2-i have a large collection of ancient mac software
    these programs did get viruses [even on oem diskettes!]
    virusbarrier helped me find and correct several infected files
    [although it mistakenly identified an early system file as a virus! fortunately i had a backup!]

    virusbarrier plays well with my g4 mac. reasonably fast, low processor use, and ok to keep installed. [very stingy with updates though]

    norton works well and has generous updates, but even having it installed on my machine causes serious problems [even when it's turned off!]. and it eats process cycles for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

    clam av is free, and has identified some pc files as infected, but it never caught the ancient virii that vb found. it runs a LOT slower than vb on my mac.

    most interesting to me is the fact that all 3 programs give different results!

    for me, virus scanning is a once in a great while thing, and of the 3 above virusbarrier is best.

    what puzzles me is that i have a bunch of small pc files from the net which i am convinced are malware [exact same files with wildly different names]. none of the above agree with me.

    i will give sophos a try and see what happens.
    they really push a lot of fud on their site tho

    Why Is Sankranti Celebrated. celebrated on wednesday,
  • celebrated on wednesday,

  • MacNut
    Apr 9, 09:36 PM
    So if the parentheses are solved first why not just put them in front? Why go through all the semantics? Do scientists purposely make it this hard when solving equations?

    Why Is Sankranti Celebrated. Bogi, Sankranti, Kanumu are
  • Bogi, Sankranti, Kanumu are

  • ten-oak-druid
    Apr 5, 11:28 PM
    It sort of makes you think what it would be like if Apple took a hand at other industries. This theme is absolutely fugly. Toyota basically turned the iphone into a zone.

    What if the tables were turned? If Toyota can make the iphone so unappealing, then how much better would the design of a Toyota be if Apple redesigned it?

    Why Is Sankranti Celebrated. Sankranti Muggulu: sun god
  • Sankranti Muggulu: sun god

  • twoodcc
    Aug 3, 07:19 AM
    Wow, measuring battery life by cities. Sounds amazingly scientific. I'm gonna say "You're wrong" just because you cited such a field report. That's disgraceful... :o

    i second that

    Apr 21, 09:46 PM
    I think the iMac will take care of gamers and builders.. the mac pro is NOT a gaming device, it is a high class workstation that is designed for use with using and manipulating multi-threaded pro and audio apps.. Personally, I could care less about a new case design.. right now I just care that I can prolong the 6-core machine I have now.. and for my purposes, which are far and few between, the 6 core does everything I throw at it for a DAILY, email based machine.. I use it for dvd encoding, NO VIDEO EDITING(this area does not interest me one iota). If anything, i would use it for photography and everyday stuff, such as internet surfing, researching, writing books, etc.

    I only got this for its expandability, as I despise an all in one machine like the iMac - if the screen goes, the whole thing needs to be replaced or repaired.. all in one desktops such as the imac are a dead end as one can't upgrade the processor easily if not at all..

    Everyone please excuse me for my attitudes, I am going through a real tough time right now and have 103 temperature at the moment.

    AMEN - 2 months into my Hex 3.33 I do minimal FCP and love this machine....I do just about what you do writing, ton's of internet work, my podcast, etc.... Same thoughts as you....

    DRINK a lot of fluids bro and get well


    May 4, 09:30 PM
    Why is everyone getting so bent out of shape so early? First off, this is hear say and not officially stated by Apple yet. If that time comes, I'm sure there will be the option of a physical disk, or some way to make a bootable install disk using disk utility. I mean this thing is already 9 pages long of people flipping out that OMG!!! ITS A DOWNLOAD!!! Guess what? Microsoft offers windows as a download, and guess what? You can burn it to a physical disk.. I can't believe so many people are already jumping the gun on a RUMOR. It's a RUMOR until Apple officially announces it...

    Perhaps its people realizing that the marriage of iOS & OS X signals a degree of uncertainty, mistrust, or just plain doubt based on an unpredictable Apple. Or not.

    Maybe its those in the crowd who have the technical comprehension, to cause them to question Apple's true intentions.

    Then again it could be that many are sensing a new less interesting era of appliance like simplicity.

    "Look ma, even grandma Evelyn can use this".

    Sep 11, 09:16 AM
    Good find!

    I'd like to see iPod5/6th Gen tubes, similar to the nano's.

    Apr 10, 08:12 AM
    You were not allowed to vote twice.
    So you voted for?


    Nov 5, 06:20 PM
    Thanks to Tstreete and Jade for sharing information about the TomTom car kit and "other" places that it can be purchased at a discount. Also thanks for researching other vendors. Also, whoever posted info on the Arkon Friction Mount--also thanks as that may be a good option to avoid window mounting.

    I am waiting for Tstreete to do his "acid" test and hopefully report back.

    Couple of questions:
    Assume you mounted on windshield. How was "view" while driving. Could you see the iphone and maps easily? Might a dashboard mount be better as it would be closer?

    Also, how do you connect the mount to your radio system? Sorry if stupid question but haven't seen anything on it other than you need audio cable. Is it hardwired or a plugin somewhere near the radio. From reading the above posts it appears that spoken directions come thru radio speakers as would music BUT phone calls come through iphone/tomtom speakers. Correct?

    If I have bluetooth via the steering wheel can that be incorporated with the car kit? not sure i would want to as it was a pain to use when i had it set up in the first place. I also had a BlueAnt bluetooth that I used with my BB Storm but it will not sync my contact list while using the iphone. Might I be able to use this feature? again might just be easier to use iphone voice dialing.

    Thanks all for helpful information. I too agree that we each make our own decision on whether or not to by the tomtom dock. It depends on what we are trying to accomplish. Bashing the price point is really counterproductive as we each have the option to buy it or not. oops didn't mean to get on a soapbox here.

    Thanks again,
