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  • fishmd
    Mar 28, 11:00 AM
    While I'm not saying there will or won't be hardware at WWDC, The Loop's interpretation of the invitation is just plain incorrect. If they have other sources that indicate no hardware, fair enough, but the invitation to WWDC 2011 is not enough to base this rumor on.

    Let's look at past WWDC invitations and events:

    WWDC2010 : "The center of the app universe" - iPhone 4
    WWDC2009 : "Make your mark here" - MacBook Pros, iPhone 3GS
    WWDC2008 : "A landmark event, in more ways than one" - iPhone 3G
    WWDC2007 : "Save the date", themed leopard - No hardware

    They apparently do have other sources. There are also a lot of other sources as well that have been saying there would be no new iphone 5 this summer. And also, look at the events you list above. When Leopard was introduced at WWDC in there was no hardware. I expect then when they introduce Lion (WWDC 2011), there will be no hardware either, just like all the analysts are saying now. It really is not to hard to wrap your head around people. :p

    What Is Shareware. Ever struggled to hear what is
  • Ever struggled to hear what is

  • Applejuiced
    Mar 26, 11:11 PM
    Change the thread title!!!! Whats with all these crappy/misleading titles lately!!!

    Just to get attention that's all.
    I doubt iOS 5.0 or the next iphone will be delayed.

    What Is Shareware. What Does Hub Mean? What is a
  • What Does Hub Mean? What is a

  • darrens
    Aug 4, 07:59 AM
    Don't blame Apple at all, I just have a hard time getting excited about hardware that can't do what I need it to do. Looking forward to a Universal app from Adobe and Macromedia so I can be excited about Apple's offerings.

    I'm typing this on my iBook G4, which is perfectly good for me for the next couple of years - don't need anything better. Doesn't stop me from getting excited about the new machines! Especially when I work day-to-day programming on a cruddy beige box Win2k machine.

    I'm actually more interested to see what Leopard brings - all the supposed rumors so far have turned out to be speculation. Tiger was a bit meh to me - spotlight and dashboard really doesn't do it for me. Hopefully Leopard will have a bit more innovation!

    What Is Shareware. What is making those photos
  • What is making those photos

  • Zombie Acorn
    May 7, 01:40 AM
    So, ask for 'half a kilo'. Problem solved. :)

    Sounds like a drug order to me.

    What Is Shareware. Great Britain) What is a
  • Great Britain) What is a

  • bluetorch18
    Aug 11, 12:21 PM
    I really hope Apple gives the MBP a much better GPU that isn't underclocked out of the box. They would have my 2 grand in a second.

    What Is Shareware. you to see what is in your
  • you to see what is in your

  • NY Guitarist
    Apr 21, 03:19 PM
    Making the mac pro into a 3U format with optional rack mount ear would be ideal. However, to merge the Pro and Server market, I'd like to see:

    1. At least 4 Hot Swap drive bays that don't require the unit being removed.
    2. Redundant power supply option
    3. I'd love for it to be less than 24" deep. Going 3U, this shouldn't be hard at all.

    I agree with 1 & 3. 2 I could take or leave but it would be a necessity for server applications.

    3RU would be 5.25", essentially 3 times the size of an XServe. Seems totally possible. The XServe at the studio where I used to work was one seriously loud box, and that's going to have to change.

    IIRC the XServe had 4 drive bays on the front but not sure if they were hot swappable. I could see the possibility of 8 (or more) drive in more space efficient dual drive trays, although that would be less convenient for hot swap use, as you would have to take a drive offline that you may not want to swap.

    What Is Shareware. put in what is needed to .
  • put in what is needed to .

  • Kenrik
    Apr 22, 09:59 AM
    Citation needed.

    Even our Active-Active cluster boxes have redundant power supplies plugged into seperate electrical circuits and wired to independant UPSes, never mind our Active-Passive cluster solutions...

    The fact is, most data centers do go for maximum redundancies without single points of failure on the hardware side.

    When you have a massively parallele solution with custom software that is built to run on non-redundant hardware like Google built with their search engine, yeah, you can afford to skimp on hardware. They don't care if 1 node out of their 10000 fails, and the software doesn't see the impact. But that 1 specialised custom application is not an industry standard and is far from the norm in building data centers.

    What Is Shareware. What is this all about?
  • What is this all about?

  • Phil A.
    Apr 10, 01:14 PM
    I must say i just found this sight through google and had to join because of this post. I am a math teacher and the correct answer is 2

    48/2(9+3) is a different equation than 48/2 * (9+3)

    using Pemdas or the correct order of operations in the first problem
    we first add whats in the parentheses (9+3)= 12
    second step we multiply 2(12) =24
    final step 48/24 = 2

    the people who are getting 288

    are adding (9+3) =12
    then they are skipping an order of operations and going straight to division 48/2 =24
    24 * 12 = 288

    Sorry, you are wrong (math teacher or not!)

    48/2(9+3) is 48/2(12) (parenthesis first)
    =48 divided by 2 multiplied by 12
    division and multiplication have the same order of precedence so are executed left to right

    that means 48 divided by 2 = 24 multiplied by 12 = 288

    To get 2 requires you to make assumptions about the equation. If you make no assumptions and simply apply the rules then you get 288

    What Is Shareware. what is a shareware
  • what is a shareware

  • ppc_michael
    May 6, 03:35 AM
    ...and I think that will be the time to free myself from Apple bondage and return to the Windows fold. Especially if this is a sign that Apple are moving away from "proper" computers and pouring everything into iOS. :(

    I jumped back to Windows recently after being Apple-exclusive since 1997 precisely because of the iOS direction everything is taking. Honestly? Not that hard of a transition. :P

    As for the ARM thing, Apple has proved its mastery of the architecture with its mobile devices, so however radical it may be, the migration it seems plausible to me. Considering I'm just getting comfortable with x64 Assembly I wish it didn't. ;)

    Might piss off the developer base though.

    What Is Shareware. Out herejan , oh, what is in a
  • Out herejan , oh, what is in a

  • kresh
    Sep 16, 08:10 AM
    Speaking personally, I'm not terribly interested in either right now.

    Having said that, is there a (big enough) market for it? Stand-alone player sales have been pretty lacklustre, with HD-DVD outperforming Blu-Ray, but even it isn't doing wonderfully. The large capacity of the writable disc would be nice but the black media is too expensive to be worthwhile right now.

    Is a slim, slot loading, Blu-Ray drive even manufactured? I've seen a few tray loading externals and a tray loading internal, but not a slot loading Blu-Ray drive of any type.

    What Is Shareware. What is SPHelper
  • What is SPHelper

  • McGiord
    Apr 10, 06:38 PM
    But the average American gets a refund soooooo 288 clearly wins lol

    Less is more, and more is less when to taxes you refer...

    If you have a big refund, it means that you pay too much, so you are not being very good at your day to day application of math.

    Also when you say American do you refer to any citizen in the American continent or just the people that was born in the United States of America?

    Either way an American receiving a big tax refund means that a lot of his (or her) money was better used by the government than what he (or she) could have done with it. Taking us back to the same subject: poor application of Math skills.:o

    In the USA, you always have a second chance to file an amendment. So if you fail doing your math, you have a second chance..Something very well thought for those who follow the PEMDAS.

    What Is Shareware. What is MySQL?
  • What is MySQL?

  • wclyffe
    Dec 4, 06:37 PM
    Hey guys I just called BLT and they said that they do not have an updated ETA on when they will be receiving a shipment. It almost makes me want to just go to the apple store and pick one up, it is just so hard to give up on 30% off... sigh.

    Are you sure your Apple store has them in stock? I checked one here in LA while I happen to be there and they were out of them, too! On the online Apple store, it still says 7-10 days for delivery so maybe we should all hang in there.

    What Is Shareware. What is new: Addition of
  • What is new: Addition of

  • wschutz
    Mar 30, 05:56 PM
    MacRumors is keeping up with this obvious error. I doubt Lion will be ready even by the WWDC. A summer release is what I predict.

    Thanks Captain Obvious... I think that is what Apple said at the very beginning ;)

    What Is Shareware. This is a shareware
  • This is a shareware

  • adbe
    Apr 5, 02:17 PM
    Companies have a right then to make money on it and Apple cannot actively try to cut off the ability of another company to make money off the Iphone legally, its called restraint of trade, a federal law.

    Yes they can. There is no protection under law for making money off the ineptitude of other companies. Apple is entitled, and expected to fix bugs. When those bugs get fixed, an avenue for jail breaking gets closed. Companies that see their revenue stream dry up are just screwed. That's life.

    Jail breaking happens because Apple screwed the pooch on security. That's all.

    What Is Shareware. What is Super DVD Creator
  • What is Super DVD Creator

  • macenforcer
    Aug 7, 08:33 PM
    well I called back and upped the ram to 2 gigs which is what i consider the base really.

    I just didnt want to go running around looking for ram to get to work.

    Crucial doesnt have anything for the MacPro yet and I was fooled by the strange new words and the "you will have heat problems if you buy other ram from other makers that dont have heat sinks!"

    What the??

    So I feel for it and bit another 300 offa my wallet.

    figure that with this base i can then search at a somewhat leisurely pace to get the other 4 gigs kits that will fit in the remaining slots.

    Please someone tell me it was a smart move?


    I was thinking this myself until I saw it was 4 x 512mb sticks. That just sucks. If it was 2 x 1gb sticks I would say not bad but its not good. Give crucial a few days to look into it. They guarantee compatibility, if it doesn't work you can return it. I am holding out for third party ram and staying with the 1gb base. Thank god its 1gb and not 512mb they usually throw at us.

    Sorry to cast a shadow over your decision but hey if you can afford it who cares right.

    What Is Shareware. What is the screen capture
  • What is the screen capture

  • ravenvii
    May 3, 06:34 PM
    We�ve never had a game like this before, so you shouldn�t let this put you off.

    if we explore is that our move and then the villain makes his? Or if we pick a door would this be a way to avoid the villain�s traps, since he may have put one in the room we�re in?

    There's a few mis-stated rules in Don't panic's rules that I will address shortly.

    But one is that a trap activates as soon as you attempt to leave the room. The only way to avoid a trap is to explore the room, which will discover, and disarm, the trap.

    With that said, there are currently nothing placed on the map by the villain. He will make his first move after you slow-pokes are done ;)

    What Is Shareware. What is spy-ware?
  • What is spy-ware?

  • RestlessDeviant
    Apr 26, 04:41 PM
    I've been sitting on a **** windows mobile phone for about 2 years & decided to upgrade about 3 months ago & decided to wait for iphone5.

    I buy macbooks & I'm not a mid / late cycle buyer & don't mind waiting for something good.

    However Apple lost my custom today. All these stories about putting the release date back and rumors about a 'small' update.....

    I ain't hanging around to find out. Just ordered a Galaxy S II

    Android here i come.

    What Is Shareware. What is the intention of this
  • What is the intention of this

  • mikerr
    Apr 26, 03:00 PM
    iPads ABSOLUTELY contribute to that. If someone owns an iPad and bought a bunch of iOS apps, which smartphone do you think he's gonna buy next?

    Except IMO its iPhone user buying iPads, not the other way around.

    Having bought plenty of apps was tying me into iPhone for my next phone,
    now I have an iPad - I feel less tied to iPhone and feel more free to buy an android...

    What Is Shareware. What is VQLog?
  • What is VQLog?

  • AidenShaw
    Mar 29, 09:01 PM
    I simply disregard comments that have to do with religion basically.

    Silence is acquiescence, very well stated by Pastor Martin Niem�ller:

    First they came for the communists,
    and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a communist.

    Then they came for the trade unionists,
    and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a trade unionist.

    Then they came for the Jews,
    and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a Jew.

    Then they came for me,
    and there was no one left to speak out for me.


    I don't disregard comments that try to push a particular view on spirituality, gender identity/expression, or other personal and civil rights issues. Sometimes the comments are appropriate, but other times they are not. In my opinion if they're not, I'll say so.

    Mar 26, 11:49 PM
    4.0 has been the only major iOS release that has contained numerous additional features with every 4.x point release (4.1 added Game Center/HDR/Ping/TV Rentals, 4.2 added AirPlay/AirPrint/iPad support, 4.3 added AirPlay for apps/Mobile Hot Spot/Photobooth for iPad, etc). Therefore, I can see it having a longer lifecycle that 2.0 and 3.0.

    Maybe we'll get 4.4 or 4.5 in June and 5.0 in September?

    Aug 11, 10:23 AM
    They are already available, these are standard PC parts now remember.

    There is no current Mac that this chip can "drop into", apart from maybe a Mac Pro, but going from a Woodcrest to a Conroe would be a downgrade in that case.

    The Merom that should eventually go into the iMac, mini, MBP and MacBook are currently not on sale to the consumer.

    Aug 4, 10:23 AM
    I think we will see the Core 2 Duo in the iMac, Mac Pro and MacBook Pro line and before Xmas in everything else.

    If this does happen it is certainly an excellent turn for Apple and the consumers getting the latest and greatest.

    Mar 28, 09:51 AM
    The iPhone 4 is already dated relative to other phones on the market. To have a phone on the market for 18 months without an update is insane.

    Why because it doesn't have a dual core processor, 1GB of RAM and a 3D screen with 5G radio?

    Apr 25, 10:15 AM
    It's not a big deal at all.

    As soon as you get any electronic device that uses the internet in some way shape or form, you are leaving a trail. You are leaving a electronic paper trail all the damn time.

    Deal with it or ditch your devices.