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Tng Season 1

Tng Season 1. Season 1 Ep. 2
  • Season 1 Ep. 2

  • mdgm
    Mar 30, 09:43 PM
    Does the new build officially support TRIM on 3rd party SSDs?

    Tng Season 1. quot;NEW GROUNDquot; SEASON 5
  • quot;NEW GROUNDquot; SEASON 5

  • MikhailT
    May 7, 03:34 PM
    MobileMe doesn't even work right now... how would they ever support way more users?

    If you read, they said after a certain facility goes on, supposedly the new NC data center. It is very likely that there'll be a brand new version of MobileMe launching with it, along with iWork and Lala.

    Tng Season 1. Region 1 cover
  • Region 1 cover

  • guzhogi
    Aug 4, 01:54 PM
    without software, not much
    Duh, I mean what advantage would 64-bit processors & software over 32-bit?

    Tng Season 1. (Season 1, Episode 1):
  • (Season 1, Episode 1):

  • eenu
    Aug 12, 03:13 PM
    After ordering a MBP when they were announced and then returning 4 defective units before demanding my money back, I'm going to do the same stupid thing and buy the first Merom MBP I can...

    Glutton for punishment? *sigh*

    I wasn't the only one to have 4 defective ones then :p

    Tng Season 1. ST:TNG season 1,
  • ST:TNG season 1,

  • KnightWRX
    May 6, 06:52 AM
    Google is allready running their data centres on ARM based servers

    Citation needed. Especially in light of this 2 month old article :

    Intel, Google Doubt ARM and Atom Have Chances in Servers (http://www.cpu-wars.com/2011/03/intel-google-doubt-arm-and-atom-have.html)

    Tng Season 1. Star-Trek-The-Next-Generation-
  • Star-Trek-The-Next-Generation-

  • ravenvii
    May 4, 09:20 PM
    Can we get an explanation from the gods, since this is the first game in this format?

    Explanation of what?

    EDIT: The villain is done. ROUND THREE BEGINS NOW!

    Tng Season 1. Generation - Season One
  • Generation - Season One

  • islanders
    Jul 22, 08:08 AM
    Don't forget the Mac Mini :D

    It�s not a stretch to assume all the lower end consumer level units will see upgrades as well.

    MBB (black)

    The Pro Mac is overdue, but the software isn�t ready. Maybe keep a G5 in the works, for people who work and move on with the new Pro Macs.

    If we don�t see it all on Tuesday. What is the longest Apple can wait? And why would they choose to wait?

    Tng Season 1. The Next Generation, Season 1:
  • The Next Generation, Season 1:

  • borisadmin
    Nov 22, 07:19 AM
    Or it's just an Ipod with phone functionality (whatever the looks), and will cost 399.00. No contract, no lock in. Apple buyers already spend that money on hardware, and you can probably a pretty noce phone for that amount. So, why do you think it will be locked in with a carrier for x years? there is no need for, as they are not going after the commodity (100.00 and less) market on this. If they did, would be a big mistake.

    Exactly, they're a premium brand who have never been afraid to be expensive. Apple couldn't care less about the current practices of the network operators, they've been burnt by partnerships already. If they do an iPhone they will control the user experience and make sure it a) works for the user's interests, not the network operator; and b) looks as stylish as possible. Then they dare the network operators to exclude their highest-value customer segment who will want the phone no matter what the cost. If they crack the model the cheaper versions will come later.

    Tng Season 1. We chose season one because
  • We chose season one because

  • Brick
    Sep 16, 08:44 AM
    Ok people, how's this? I ordered a 17" MBP on Sep 8. I upgraded the ram and hard drive. It was supposed to ship yesterday, the 15th.

    I checked my order status today and the ship date has changed to October 2! I also received an e-mail from Apple stating that there were unexpected delays.

    I held out hoping for a C2D but broke down and bought on the 8th. I was all excited that it was going to ship yesterday. I don't even care so much about a C2D, I just want my Mac. But here's hoping anyway.

    Tng Season 1. Region 1 cover
  • Region 1 cover

  • Tonsko
    Dec 14, 10:56 AM
    You're lucky to have the luxury of time. If I'm there, I'm there for 3-4 days on very tight schedule, usually as part of a small team. My recommendations go in the report which then gets passed on.

    I agree with you if I had the time, and it was just me there, I'd be perhaps more forward with advising stuff like that. But I'm afraid I simply don't usually have the time, as the testing schedules simply do not allow for that.

    Tng Season 1. Suddenly, ST: TNG, Season One,
  • Suddenly, ST: TNG, Season One,

  • alent1234
    Mar 28, 09:58 AM
    They also will start having 3GS users come off of AppleCare contracts.

    Nobody will buy a new iPhone if their's breaks after AC is up ...knowing that maybe in the Fall we will see an iPhone5.

    Again, leaves to much of an 'open window' for defections based on frustration, etc.

    ...and as pointed out already by others... I agree, iPhone4 is already a dated design. delaying will just erode Apple's lead in the ever growing mobile hardware market.

    Everyday another competitors comes along... it is no longer 2007... their lead is not what it use to be.

    us 3GS users have been eligible for upgrades since last month

    i was going to wait for the iphone 5 but my 3GS had water damage so i went over to android

    Tng Season 1. uniform from TNG season 1.
  • uniform from TNG season 1.

  • carmenodie
    Apr 26, 03:13 PM
    Competition is good :) Keeps Apple on their toes

    Don't need another MS Monopoly.......
    That comment made no sense!
    Android is a free OS piggybacking on multiple 3rd party hardware. So it just makes sense that the adoption of Android is high. But break down the individual players. No, look at the balance sheets and then talk trash.

    Tng Season 1. Star Trek TNG season 1 and 2
  • Star Trek TNG season 1 and 2

  • genetechnics
    Jul 30, 06:54 AM
    So we need cell computers.


    A real device that works.

    Tng Season 1. S05E07 – Turned Out part 1:
  • S05E07 – Turned Out part 1:

  • iJohnHenry
    Apr 9, 06:06 PM
    Vote for "Undecidable because of the rubbish typography".


    To avoid the 'implied' multiplication, it should be shown as below.

    The answer is then obviously "2".

    Tng Season 1. The Next Generation Season
  • The Next Generation Season

  • Rodimus Prime
    Apr 10, 02:54 AM
    The thing about this question is, whats the point of the parentheses..

    sorry but business calculator is not a scientific one and thus not valid for this argument.

    Tng Season 1. Region 1 cover
  • Region 1 cover

  • ChrisA
    Aug 7, 06:02 PM
    .... I have 3meg internet service and I cannot tell a difference between wired and wifi. My wireless will hit ~10mb/s transfer if I'm moving a large file from one computer to another. Obviously, that 10mb/s is faster then my 3meg internet service. My internet service is the bottleneck, not the wireless..

    That works for you because you only use the network to connect to the Internet. For someone with a larger setup who keeps all the user files (and home folders) on a file server wireles is not fast enough. You really need gigabit Ethernet to make it work transparently. One you put the home folders on a server then your users can walk up to ANY random machine, log in and see there own desktop and their own files. You get the effect of Sun's Scott Mcneally's famos quote "The network is the computer."

    You talk about "moving a large file from one computer to another." with a fastr network you would not care what computer a file was on and have no need to move it. With fast enough network remote files are faster than local files because the remote file server can be very high performance. We have one of those here wioth about a hundred or so SCSI drives in it. Pulling data off 100+ drives at one, in parllel is very fast.

    One other thing with wireless that 56Kbps is a shared resource. Every computer has to wait it. If you have a wired network every wire carries twice the nominal bandwidth and it is not shared. The "bottle neck" is the bandwidth of the switch backplane which typically ismany gitabits.

    So, bottom line. Lots of people need this. some home users don't but these new machines are not designed for home users

    Tng Season 1. The Next Generation, Season 2:
  • The Next Generation, Season 2:

  • McGiord
    Apr 10, 05:17 PM
    Agreed. Anyhow, writing math with ascii characters sucks, however you put. Most people who aren't used to see math in ascii see / as a ______ and not as a direct translation of � or (...)^-1. Other than the people who blindly follow PEMDAS and think multiplication has a precedence over division, like our lovely math teacher did a couple posts above, I think the poll would tend a lot more towards 288 if the question was posted with TeX (or another proper form).

    I think this poll has more to do with how bad math can be written in plain characters than it has to do with the average person's understanding of math. Hey, I got it right, but I spend a lot of time using math and do see it a lot in plain characters, but I know most people aren't engineering students.

    Well Paolo, what is your answer?

    Tng Season 1. The Next Generation, Season 1:
  • The Next Generation, Season 1:

  • roadbloc
    Apr 7, 10:35 AM
    lol. Poor RIM. You'll get onto the market one of these days.

    Tng Season 1. degrassi season 10,
  • degrassi season 10,

  • satkin2
    Apr 26, 02:23 PM
    This was inevitable given the number of phone models each OS is on. It was clear to see from way off. However if Apple are making more money than Google from these units it won't be anything for them to worry about.

    It's much like Windows and OS X, there's the volume model (Windows) and the Apple model. I'm happy with my iPhone and I haven't met anyone who's been unhappy with theirs either, that said, I've also not spoken to any friends who are unhappy with Android.

    Competition is good and while ever there is the competition then innovation will be driven more than if there was a monopoly, so this can't really be seen as a bad thing.

    Mar 28, 11:23 AM
    People are incredulous. They want / expect revolutionary products every month. Get real! I know many of us have addictions to Apple like Whitney Houston has to crack but if you want your money's worth for each upgrade, let's give the company time to put out some new features.

    I hope no new phone until 2013 and iPad 3 in late 2012. Maybe then we'll get a real upgrade.

    Dec 3, 12:09 PM
    did you ever hear back from BLT??

    I have heard nothing but didn't send email to them. Will do that today.

    Apr 26, 09:16 AM
    That is Fuji-san, and that's how it looks....

    Always nice when someone goes public with their ignorance...

    To be fair, it doesn't always have that color scheme. I've taken several pictures of Fuji, and none have that particular color scheme.


    May 7, 02:38 PM
    Having used MobileMe to keep my iPhone, iMac, Macbook and work iMac in sync, I pretty much can't live without it.

    With it, I know if I plug something into my calendar with an alert on it, it will definitely pop up (multiple times and in multiple places, often to my annoyance). I can also quickly keep all my dashboard widgets, bookmarks and everything else in sync. Walking into the Apple store, upgrading my iPhone and having practically my whole phone (minus the apps) synced up by the time I get back to the car is definitely nice as well.

    Of course, I know people's individual mileage may vary.


    The people talking about "Google is free and enough " don't realize the scope of MobileMe and how liberating it is. I could lose my phone ..buy another and be back to 100% in a matter of minutes.

    I doubt I'll have any qualms about renewing next Feb.

    Apr 21, 02:50 PM
    Here's a quick scale / mockup