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Radisson Blu Hotel

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  • christene20
    Nov 11, 05:56 AM
    whenever a new virus emerged, Sophos would have an revise out inside minutes/hours, occasionally this was a provisional rectify, with a last type out a couple of hours later. Telephone support was very good with telephone responded in seconds. Used effectively no assets when running.

    Radisson Blu Hotel. Radisson Blu Hotel, Dubai
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  • Mac'nCheese
    Apr 9, 08:11 PM
    It's 2. Deal 288 people.

    You are 100% wrong. Ask any elementary school math teacher.

    Radisson Blu Hotel. Radisson Blu Hotel, Lucerne:
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  • xfiftyfour
    Jul 29, 09:29 PM
    fortunately, i'm on cingular - great coverage, great phones, and a great probability of finding the supposed iPhone in the lineup.

    but, that would be admitting to actually believing this rumor, which, well.. what's the saying become? "new powerbooks next tuesday!" if you know what i mean...

    Radisson Blu Hotel. Radisson Blu Hotel Hamburg
  • Radisson Blu Hotel Hamburg

  • ChazUK
    Mar 29, 01:10 PM
    That reads quite a bit different from Amazon's "... or as we determine is necessary to provide the Service ..."

    I'm not convinced it's as dire as people are making it out to be. Either way, both Apple and Amazon have full rights to access users files on both services for various reasons.

    What are your fears on the Amazon terms that don't exist on the MobileMe ones? (Perhaps I'm being dense so some clarification is in need!) :D

    Radisson Blu Hotel. Radisson Blu Hotel Belfast
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  • toddybody
    Apr 25, 10:02 AM
    Yes, Apple is not the first or last company to use emerging tech to track user information. That said, the information they do collect needs to be understood by the user...including the rational behind the collection. i.e., want to see your location on Google Maps? "Accept Location Services" for this instance...etc

    things are far too muddy

    Radisson Blu Hotel. Radisson Blu Hotel Bucharest
  • Radisson Blu Hotel Bucharest

  • k2k koos
    Nov 26, 04:19 PM

    i hope it will look better than this, the buttons and ir ports etc are very "UN-APPLE" and basically remind me of something realy cheap....

    Radisson Blu Hotel. Radisson Blu Hotel in United
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  • nasty devil
    Apr 24, 12:46 AM
    Are the current iMacs not retina enough? Lol

    But I wouldn't mind, if prices are the same :D

    Radisson Blu Hotel. Radisson Blu Hotel
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  • Old Smuggler
    Sep 11, 02:34 AM
    I can't see how Apple can begin an sell movies and not also sell a Media Mac.
    It would be like iTMS and no iPods... how well would that work? :rolleyes:

    Has anyone ever considered that the media mac would not be a hardware upgrade to the mini but a software one via itunes 7
    or is it just me?

    Radisson Blu Hotel. Radisson BLU Hotel
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  • peharri
    Nov 26, 05:57 AM
    Now, here's a larger picture thought to ponder...

    If Apple goes to market with the iPhone, then this is going to open up (to some extent) the viability of a F/OSS community cell phone. And this is a really good thing as well because it represents a non-commercial, enthusiast entrance into what up until now has been a totally proprietary, locked-down OS-based product world. It has the potential to do to cell phones what Linux has inspired in Mac OS X.

    There are already GNU/Linux based cellphones. And what about the iPhone implies that it would be open in a way that, say, an average Nokia isn't? I appreciate they ported GNU/Linux to the iPod, but for the most part the reason similar things haven't happened on more regular cellphones has been an issue of the amount of work involved, with it being somewhat harder to write a GSM stack from scratch and port a kernel than it is to simply port an off-the-shelf kernel. (And I guess there's the additional issue that there are six zillion cellphones using about one quillion completely incompatible hardware platforms, whereas there are only a handful of MP3 players and only one that's achieved marketshare heaven.)

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  • Rodimus Prime
    Apr 9, 09:58 PM
    So if the parentheses are solved first why not just put them in front? Why go through all the semantics? Do scientists purposely make it this hard when solving equations?

    It is easier to read some with them out of order. Big time when you start factoring stuff out. It is easier to just put them in front so you can reference them.

    Anyone who says 2 clearly can not do any real math. Also remember division is simple multiplying by some decimal number. For examly 1/2 = .5
    Multiplying something by 0.5 is the same as dividing it by 2. Subtraction is just adding a negative number. Now days that is often how I treat subtraction is just adding a negative number. Makes things a lot easier

    Radisson Blu Hotel. Radisson Blu Hotel, Hasselt
  • Radisson Blu Hotel, Hasselt

  • Spooner83
    Apr 26, 03:37 PM
    Android is winning 'cause it's cheaper than apple, which is from the recession, people want cheap when they both do the same with a few minor exceptions.

    Radisson Blu Hotel. Radisson Blu Hotel, Leipzig
  • Radisson Blu Hotel, Leipzig

  • QuantumLo0p
    Nov 17, 02:53 PM
    And why are we so worried about passing on Windows Viruses, doesn't everyone running Windows HAVE TO run AV software. They would be nuts if they didn't. Viruses and malware have been and will always be problems that windows users will face. Just like you said.

    I suppose it still remains a personal choice, albeit quite a gray area. IMO, knowingly passing on a virus to another computer, and damage results, could very well be interpreted as malice and then be subject to criminal charges. I am not an expert on it but even if criminal law does not apply, possible civil action certainly does apply. Suing someone over damages could become more common in the future.

    I know I would sue the jackass.

    Radisson Blu Hotel. radisson blu hotel Concours
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  • Don't panic
    May 6, 11:03 AM
    i suggested rosius because there is some value in protectjng him from potential hp loss, but it can be anyone.
    if no one wants to do it i can peel off myself and someone else can lead the big group

    Radisson Blu Hotel. Radisson Blu Hotel
  • Radisson Blu Hotel

  • balamw
    Apr 11, 01:06 AM
    Surely we should not interpret everything following the first division symbol as belonging in the denominator, including an additional fraction.

    You've just stumbled on a new notation for continued fractions (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Continued_fraction). Oh wait, we already have better ways of representing that.


    The only way it would be 288 is if it was written:

    Where do the square brackets fall in your interpretation of PE(MD)(AS) + left to right? And how in the name of all that is holy can you interpret that as giving 288 instead of 2. Wouldn't 288 require [2(9+3)] to evaluate to (1/6) so the final answer would be 48*6 = 228. I would have expected [48/2](9+3).


    Radisson Blu Hotel. Radisson BLU Hotel Edinburgh
  • Radisson BLU Hotel Edinburgh

  • itcheroni
    Apr 19, 02:38 PM
    Well, I'm willing to read about it and really try to understand your point of view.

    I thought we were just having a conversation...what I'm really looking for is a succinct argument as a frame for further investigation. I'm not convinced by either "side" here, but I am challenging your assertions because I'm trying to get a stronger sense of your point of view and where its edges are. So, if it feels like I'm picking at you, it's only because I find your arguments interesting and strong enough to be worth chewing on.

    I didn't think you were picking on me. I'm just saying that I might not be able to explain everything understandably. It's really hard to have a succinct discussion because everything depends on an understanding of other concepts. For example, I was saying capital gains taxes needs to be understood along with inflation which needs to be understood along with monetary policy, etc. I guess the point I was trying to make is that you won't be able to learn/unlearn economics on a message board. It's takes more serious research.

    Radisson Blu Hotel. Radisson Blu Hotel Dubai Media
  • Radisson Blu Hotel Dubai Media

  • toddybody
    Apr 7, 11:33 AM
    Every choice you make has consequences. If Apple were to put in a non integrated graphics card, they would have less battery life, their Macbooks would be bigger, weigh more and have greater trouble with disposal of heat.

    This is not what Apple customers want.

    If that were true then why does Apple bless the 15inch with a dedicated solution and not the 13? Battery life? Optimus switching (something they already tout), bigger? the 13" and 15" are the same thickness...the 17" is .02" thicker yet has the SAME spec options as the 15". Footprint is NOT the issue...its a simple price/feature model(want more? pay more). Personally, I think THAT is not what Apple customers want.

    Now, I agree with you that they cant go slapping a GTX480m in there for the reasons you cited:)

    PS: How did my earlier post imply that Apple should "give parts to companies"...etc ? Apple can do what they like, I just prefer that competition has a chance to push the envelope.

    Radisson Blu Hotel. Radisson Blu Hotel Photos
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  • MacRumors
    Apr 23, 04:16 PM
    http://www.macrumors.com/images/macrumorsthreadlogo.gif (http://www.macrumors.com/2011/04/23/apple-including-ultra-high-resolution-artwork-in-lion-for-possible-retina-displays/)


    A finding earlier this month (http://osxdaily.com/2011/04/02/new-mt-fuji-wallpaper-in-mac-os-x-lion-developer-preview-2/) by OSXDaily has generated some speculation about Apple's plans for "Retina" display Macs. The Mac OS X Lion Developer Preview 2 released in late March (http://www.macrumors.com/2011/03/30/apple-releases-mac-os-x-lion-developer-preview-2/) included an ultra-high resolution version of the background desktop image at a resolution of 3200x2000. A few observers noted (http://punchingin.com/chasing-the-6-4-megapixel-unicorn/) that this is higher than any Apple display has ever supported, generating speculation (http://theelaborated.net/blog/2011/4/13/consider-the-retina-display.html) that Apple is preparing for "Retina" display Macs in the near future.

    We had previously reported (http://www.macrumors.com/2011/02/24/mac-os-x-lion-building-in-support-for-super-high-resolution-retina-monitors/) that Mac OS X Lion has made some under-the-hood changes opening the door to such super-high resolution displays. Taking cues from iOS, Apple has reportedly built in support for what it calls "HiDPI display modes". These HiDPI modes allow developers to supply 2x-enlarged images to support double-high resolution displays. Like the iPhone 4's Retina Display, this means that user interface elements will remain the same size, but everything will be twice the resolution and therefore twice as detailed. Now, MacMagazine.com.br has found (http://macmagazine.com.br/2011/04/23/macs-com-telas-retina-nao-sao-duvida-quando-eles-chegarao-sim-ainda-e-uma-incognita/) that Apple is already starting to include other super high resolution artwork in Lion. They found several icons stored as 1024x1024 sizes, up from a previous maximum of 512x512.


    Radisson Blu Hotel. Hotel photo Radisson Blu
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  • lucabrasi
    Mar 30, 07:08 PM
    I can confirm that Preview 2 works w/ the 2011 MBPs.

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  • toddybody
    Apr 25, 09:35 AM
    You do realize everything you said is untrue, right?

    Not entirely...Apple does have a "wad to flash":D

    Mar 29, 04:06 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Globalization is a race to the bottom, and nobody seems to understand that while the 3rd world rises up, the 1st world inevitably must slide down.

    It's not a zero sum game. Western economies will increasingly shift toward higher skilled professions as the BRIC countries take over manufacturing and mid level white collar work. The U.S. must step up its educational training in order for its many low paid service workers to move up the ladder, though.

    Are you not familiar with the concept of an idiot? Seriously there is only so much you can do with some people. This whole idea that education can solve all our problems is bogus. Some people are beyond education and others like Steve J. Find a different path.

    Beyond that you can't really have an economy without some sort of manufacturing. You know it is half of the goods and services phrase.

    In any event Apples problems are age old and directly related to relying on a single supplier. Hopefully they can get this material they need manufactured in another plant. If not Apple will end up having some pretty bad quarters.

    Jul 30, 03:05 AM
    Given that Apple has always went for the mid market components I don't think this phone will appeal to the phone nerds/freaks like me. But then us being freaks don't represent much of the market.
    Personally I would love to see Apple pair up with Sharp to do a phone.

    Currently I would say sharp has the best high-end mobile on the market that isn't symbian/WMP. You can't bet a phone with a 3.2MP camera, 2x optical zoom and a 640X480 screen. It's a really pity that if Apple brings out anything it will be 1.3MP camera, no zoom and prob a 320x240 screen... but I guess at least it will look good...

    Most of the really good mobile phones are restricted to Japan only so hopefully apple can bring some of the cool stuff around the world.

    Aug 3, 11:56 PM
    The "tests" kind of sucked and wasn't that informative. Didn't tell us a whole lot...but either way I hope they get into the MBPs!!

    AnandTech to the rescue!

    Mar 28, 12:38 PM
    So your attitude is "if I can't have it, I don't want anyone to have it."?

    Whether it comes out or not, you won't be getting one. So why would it matter either way?

    He simply said it personally for him

    Not sure why you are taking it so seriously. Calm down

    Jul 29, 08:43 PM
    I can already see Phil sitting in the audience and then Job's cell phone rings..

    Jobs: um..excuse me a sec..Seems I have a phone call..
    Pulls out this cool looking cell phone,flips it open and says hello?
    Phil: Say Steve,can we have a chat real fast ? then starts up iChat on his iPhone..
    Jobs: starts up iChat on his cell phone..

    The rest is history :D