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osama bin laden no beard

osama bin laden no beard. osama bin laden no beard.
  • osama bin laden no beard.

  • Sydde
    Apr 23, 01:34 PM
    The information isn't conflicting, and it's not intended to convince anyone of intelligent design. In it's simplest form, it's showing that the Hebrew word translated "day" is used to refer to varying periods of time, not necessarily 24-hour periods. As a side note, it's also a portion of an element in the bible that supports the same conclusion as science, which is that the earth isn't merely 7,000 years old. The theory of 4 billion years doesn't contradict the bible.
    Genesis 1:13 And the evening and the morning were the third day

    That phrasing occurs throughout the creation chapter in Genesis. It looks more than slightly unambiguous WRT the meaning of "day".

    ... even the Dalai Lama seems to hate atheists.
    Interesting. As the leader of Tibetan Buddhism, is that stance indicative of self-loathing?

    osama bin laden no beard. osama bin laden no beard.
  • osama bin laden no beard.

  • Eraserhead
    Mar 26, 03:05 AM
    Love conquers all until it hits a rough patch

    If you really love someone, surely you don't want to be with anyone else? If so, then it would be pretty moronic not to ultimately work out your issues with the other person.

    osama bin laden no beard. osama bin laden no beard.
  • osama bin laden no beard.

  • corrado7
    May 5, 09:02 PM
    I have had ATT for almost three years now - and I haven't had one dropped call.

    do you make phone calls?

    osama bin laden no beard. osama bin laden no beard. in
  • osama bin laden no beard. in

  • WestonHarvey1
    Apr 15, 11:55 AM
    I'm just saying that it's very simple:

    Someone who tells you, in the face of scientific evidence, that they believe who you are is wrong and that you should change can only be described as being hateful.

    Their intentions are irrelevant if they're telling you something that is proven to be harmful.

    No but hold on a second. I don't know what scientific evidence has to say about something like morality. It may certainly be that sexuality is immutable. But if you're referring to my quote from the Catechism (and I lost track)... that doesn't say homosexuals are required to change their sexuality.

    osama bin laden no beard. Osama Bin Laden#39;s infamous
  • Osama Bin Laden#39;s infamous

  • Bill McEnaney
    Mar 28, 04:47 AM
    Huh? What in the world are you talking about? Dude, lay off the communion wine. ;) You're making no sense, seriously.
    I should go to bed now. But before I do that, maybe a question will help explain part of my point about the difference between me and a property might gain or lose. If I asked "Who are you?" when we happened to see each other, would you reply that you were gay? I doubt it. You probably would say, "I'm Lee Kohler."

    osama bin laden no beard. Osama in Laden is alive today
  • Osama in Laden is alive today

  • ddtlm
    Oct 10, 07:55 PM

    Yes, the JVM is the deciding factor here. If the Java takes that damn long on a G4 but goes fast on a P4, can can rest assured that the JVM Apple is distributing sucks compared to whatever one the x86 machines are using.

    There is no way in heck that the performance delta can be so large without a large difference in quality of JVM. G4's may be slower, but they are not as slow as those number indicate.

    Like I've been saying, when you start to see 5x leads by the PCs you need to start asking questions about the fairness of the benchmark. The G4 is better than 1/5 the speed. There are very few things were a P4 can get better performance per clock than a G4.

    Your G3 results as bizzarre as well, because of the contrast between them and the G4 results. Do not take it as proof one way or the other of the G3 or other IBM chips being superior to the G4. What we have here are raw numbers that defy a simple explanations. We should ask why these numbers are popping up, rather than running off with them as if they were uttered by a great voice in the sky or somthing.

    osama bin laden no beard. osama bin laden no beard.
  • osama bin laden no beard.

  • Cox Orange
    Apr 20, 06:28 AM
    as said before...
    remove programs
    apple + <--

    how to easily open a new tab
    apple + T

    osama bin laden no beard. osama bin laden no beard. in
  • osama bin laden no beard. in

  • HBOC
    Mar 11, 01:34 AM
    Also the time of day there.. after 3pm..

    osama bin laden no beard. osama bin laden no beard.
  • osama bin laden no beard.

  • clintob
    Oct 25, 10:30 PM
    Apple wasn't very quick at adopting the Core2 chips (which are pin-compatible with Core chips), what would make Clovertown any different?

    If history serves as a template for the future, then I wouldn't expect anything new until after the holiday season (even though the Mac Pro isn't a consumer device, companies usually aren't looking to spend money on new machines right before the new year starts)
    I personally don't care one way or the other, but I think the major difference here is volume. The C2D was a VERY high-demand item, and Apple wanted to wait until there was sufficient supply to handle the orders they would receive. The 8-core MacPro is a pretty specialized item, so the quanitites are nowhere near as big an issue.

    osama bin laden no beard. osama bin laden no beard. in
  • osama bin laden no beard. in

  • Denarius
    Mar 15, 10:55 AM
    That's a failure of the German politicians to make a case for nuclear power there (although I imagine that Germany has good potential for hydropower and other renewables).

    I think that the opposite could be said for the UK. Over the last few years opinion has turned more pro nuclear. In contrast to Merkel, Cameron turned the Japanese situation into a positive - saying that the UK could 'learn lessons' and make nuclear even safer.

    There's too much hysteria over this. This plant has been hit by a force 9 earthquake and a tsunami and yet although some radiation has been released this is by no means anything like as serious as Chernobyl.

    In a world where the security risks and economics of oil and natural gas are on their way to being untenable and the renewable energy options cannot realistically meet the world's ever growing energy demands, the benefits of nuclear fission far outweigh the risks, particularly when you consider that the public and worker fatalities relating to fission reactors are dwarfed in comparison to those from energy generation from fossil fuels, petrochemicals and natural gas.

    osama bin laden no beard. Osama bin Laden tattoo
  • Osama bin Laden tattoo

  • Gelfin
    Mar 24, 07:40 PM
    It is also quite unpopular to be a member of the KKK. Shall we similarly go out of our way to show compassion and tolerance for their most deeply held convictions? Or am I perhaps being cruel and unfair to the guy in the sheet when I call him an a-hole and suggest he shape up his attitude or don't act surprised when civilized human beings don't like him very much.

    Citing "religious or moral" reasons to be especially down on homosexuality invites an automatic ten-yard penalty for hypocrisy, because the ratio of religious vitriol to actual scriptural proscription is higher for this issue than for any other. People don't have a problem with gay people because their religion tells them to. They have a problem with gay people because they're run-of-the-mill prejudiced human beings, just like people who are prejudiced over any other identity issue, and they look to their religion to excuse them for it.

    osama bin laden no beard. osama bin laden no beard.
  • osama bin laden no beard.

  • dante@sisna.com
    Oct 26, 12:03 PM
    Thank you for both those posts. I have felt pretty alone on these 8-core threads thus far. Glad to finally see someone else who understands and can explain so well why 8-cores is still not going to be enough joining in on these discussions.

    Any of you who don't think a 16-core Mac Pro will be a hit in a year can really only be into word processing. :p

    You are welcome.

    I have been reading your Mac Rumors posts for a long time and I am amazed at the bashing you take sometimes. I recall the days when people complained of Apple boxes being "too slow."

    Now the posts I read on supposed pro sites like Mac Rumors are filled with users chiding one's need for speed -- I get the feeling that many of the users in this forum do simply have the workload to truly push these machines -- there is almost a sense of envy at users who do.

    My suggestion to users feeling this envy is as follows: Learn new skills. If you make your living using a Mac as we do, then evolve with your box. Buy new software. Seek out new clients who want higher end multimedia for web and other distribution. Push the market to evolve.

    Anyhow, I will contribute as much as my schedule allows.

    Best regards to all.


    osama bin laden no beard. osama bin laden no beard.
  • osama bin laden no beard.

  • FX120
    Mar 13, 06:22 PM
    Maybe I can find a link. I've read (I think it was Popular Science) that a 10 square mile solar farm in the American West could provide enough to power the entire U.S. Now, due to distances, that power could not be transmitted to the East Coast, but it illustrates there are other much safer methods of obtaining power than dealing with the atomic genie.

    I think the theory is the amount of solar energy falling on a 10sq mile area could be enough to satisfy our domestic energy needs.

    That's different than building a solar power plant and actually harvesting that energy, as solar plants are very inefficient.

    osama bin laden no beard. osama bin laden no beard. in
  • osama bin laden no beard. in

  • wovel
    Apr 28, 09:03 AM
    Make up your mind what you want to count iPads as. Damn is it a mobile device a computer. Someone give them a ****ing category already.

    It can count as a computer, net books do..

    osama bin laden no beard. osama bin laden no beard.
  • osama bin laden no beard.

  • toddybody
    Apr 21, 08:22 AM
    Fandroids: the most annoying fanboys on the planet.

    "Which is why I frequent an Apple users community discussion forum."


    Your profile name/avatar/signature shows how unbias you are...shame on these crazy Android users who can't see the merit of a different OS :rolleyes:

    osama bin laden no beard. osama bin laden no beard. in
  • osama bin laden no beard. in

  • Cromulent
    Mar 27, 04:40 PM
    And maybe you need to learn that when you reiterate a point that has already been made in the form of a "why not" question, you are viewed to be supporting the point. I have followed the thread, and I saw the point you were quoting.

    That the Catholics believe this bit about celibacy has been apparent for a few pages - there was never any need for you to regurgitate the point. But now that you apparently have, and have assigned some sort of logic to it, I'm asking what is that logic. What reasons that apply to a priest being celibate might apply to a gay person?

    You seem to be trying to defend everything about your post but the only issue anyone could ever have with it.

    You are constantly missing the point. Someone said it was horrible to expect someone to be celibate just because they were gay. I simply stated that if Catholics already expected priests to be celibate then why is it so hard for gay people to remain celibate?

    I mean its not like they are saying only homosexuals must be celibate if they also require their own priests to be celibate. That was the only point I was making. It seemed pretty clear given the quoted text in my very first post.

    If you are saying that it makes any kind of sense, I'll ask you again, "why?"

    I guess you'll have to ask a Catholic why they would require celibacy of a homosexual. I was simply pointing out that celibacy in the Catholic church was an accepted practice and not looked at in quite the same way as non-Catholic people and not as horrible as the person I originally quoted was making out. After all if a priest can cope why can't a homosexual?

    Anyway I'm not entirely sure why I let myself get dragged into this after what was obviously a throw away comment simply talking about the logic of a given argument. It has nothing to do with 'why' something should or should not happen simply whether a stance is a logical one or not.

    osama bin laden no beard. osama bin laden no beard. in
  • osama bin laden no beard. in

  • Apple OC
    Mar 15, 10:59 PM
    I see you still haven't explained what you meant by "contained".

    If I had the answer as to how this was going to be contained ... I would be over there "containing it"

    I just saw a disturbing press conference from the Japanese Government where they released a brief statement that all the workers have suspended work at the 6 reactors.

    myself ... I am glued to this story and am sure that even if it takes the International Community to "contain, repair, or stop" this disaster ... that will be done. The world is not just going to let this "Air itself out"

    Have I defined "contain" to your satisfaction?

    osama bin laden no beard. osama bin laden no beard.
  • osama bin laden no beard.

  • Funkymonk
    May 2, 09:08 AM
    And it begins...

    I'z scared :(

    osama bin laden no beard. osama bin laden no beard.
  • osama bin laden no beard.

  • bobsentell
    Mar 18, 08:47 AM
    Some of the responses on this thread are really amusing.

    The people who are defending AT&T's actions are either astroturfing shills, or dolts.

    Here's a newsflash: Just because you put something into a contract doesn't make it legal or make it fair. What if AT&T stipulated that they were allowed to come by your house and give you a wedgie every time you checked your voicemail...? Would you still be screaming about how its "justified" because its written on some lop-sided, legalese-ridden piece of paper?

    This is a specious argument because they didn't put that in your contract. Your contract says you have no interest in tethering, yet you use it anyway. So it's not AT&T that's doing anything illegal.

    If you think AT&T is doing something illegal, then take your dollars to Verizon.

    Apr 14, 03:03 PM
    Stompy, a few posts back somebody mentioned that the OP was later banned. That might explain why he hasn't come back.
    The OP was not banned. Just check the 1st post of this thread to see the OP is still around.

    Sep 12, 06:49 PM
    Just because you can't see the difference between 480p and 720p doesn't mean that other people can't. I think this distinction is like night and day, but quality is subjective, I'll give you that.

    DVD = 480i, not 480p.


    Apr 21, 05:38 AM
    ...so anyway, back to the conference call.

    Apple sold nearly 5 million iPads last quarter... now this sounds good to me, why are the media reporting this as "disappointing." Am I missing something here? Surely this should be at least "pretty good."

    (EDIT: sorry I'm in the wrong post!)

    May 2, 04:47 PM
    There, fixed it for ya (and the "'s too) ;)

    OS X and Windows have their pro's and con's, no OS is 100% secure. However (and read my posts), working in the field I can assure you 75%+ of my clients have security/virus/malware issues with everything from XP-W7. Executable's are the equivalent to barfing into your system; they get everywhere and are difficult to remove.

    If Windows followed Apple and developed hardware to utilize their OS instead of coding an OS for a myriad of profiles (and ditching antiquated BIOS for EFI) it would allow for a better end user experience and for MS to focus on better security. Yet this would mean millions to billions for businesses to reinvest in new hardware as well as MS producing a good product (based on their industrial design team and product history, I wouldn't bet on it).

    OS X based systems are generally more secure than Windows systems. I could google "OS X safer than Windows" and find as many claims as you suggest, but that would be bias. Google " 'OS X versus Windows' security' ", you will most likely discover articles/studies with no bias/agenda. If OS X wasn't more secure than Windows OS systems, why aren't more users running anti-virus/malware utilities?

    Ah well, forget google-ing "windows is more secure than OS X",

    just ask google; they know better I guess. ;)

    Apr 22, 08:00 PM
    This makeup of this forum's members intrigues mean slightly. Why are most of the posters here Atheists? Is it part of the Mac using demographic, the Internet in general's demographic, or are Atheists just the most interested in Politics, Religon, and Social Issues?

    iz cald teh interwebz, der r lotz ov werd peplz hre.

    The internet has a lot of anarchists too, they typically think they are one of the few people who have broken free of the slave mindset of their country