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osama bin laden found

osama bin laden found. U.S. Kills Osama Bin Laden In
  • U.S. Kills Osama Bin Laden In

  • DeathChill
    Apr 20, 09:28 PM
    Is that a prerequisite? I have Apple battery charger.

    No, of course not. I just find it interesting that someone who clearly dislikes a company and its products so much has so much free time to spend on a board for people who do enjoy said company and products.

    osama bin laden found. had found Osama Bin Laden
  • had found Osama Bin Laden

  • d0minick
    Mar 18, 06:00 AM
    They joys of an unregulated mobile industry..... being stuck with only 1 (until recently) choice of carrier, 2 year contracts, paying extra for tethering, PAYING for incoming calls (WTF:eek:).
    I'm glad I'm stuck in over regulated EU. On the up side, you yanks get to play with all the new toys first :rolleyes:

    The EU holds many models the US should follow. And many more it shouldn't. The hard part is agreeing on what lies on each side! :p:p:p

    osama bin laden found. osama bin laden found on
  • osama bin laden found on

  • ddtlm
    Oct 12, 03:30 PM
    Wow I missed a lot by spending all of Friday away from this board. I am way behind in posts here, and I'm sure I'll miss a lot of things worth comment. But anyway, the code fragment:

    int x1,x2,x3;
    for (x1=1; x1<=20000; x1++) {
    for(x2=1; x2<=20000; x2++) {
    x3 = x1*x2;

    Is a very poor benchmark. Compilers may be able to really dig into that and make the resulting executable perform the calculate radically different. In fact, I can tell you the answer outright: x1=20000, x2=20000, x3 = 400000000. It took me 2 seconds or so. Does this mean that I am a better computer than a G4 and a P4? No, it means I realized that the loop can be reduced to simple data assignments. I have a better compiler, thats it.

    Anyway, lets pretend that for whatever reason compilers did not simplify that loop AT ALL. Note that this would be a stupid stupid compiler. At each stage, x1 is something, we ++x2, and we set x3 = x1 * x2. Now notice that we cannot set x3 until the result of X2++ is known. On a pipelined processor that cannot execute instructions out of order, this means that I have a big "bubble" in the pipeline as I wait for the new x2 before I can multiply. However, after the x3 is started into the pipe, the next instruction is just another x2++ which does not depend on x3, so I can do it immediately. On a 7-stage in-order chip like a G4, this means that I fill two stages of the pipe and then have to wait for the results on the other end before I can continue. You see that this is very inefficient (28% or so). However, the G3 is a 4-stage design and so 2/4 of the stages can stay busy, resulting in a 50% efficientcy (so a 700mhz G3 is "the same as" a 350mhz G3 at 100% and a 800mhz G4 is "the same as" a 210mhz G4 at 100%). These are of course simplified cases, the actual result may very a bit for some obscure reason.

    Actually the above stuff is inaccurate. The G3 sports 2 integer units AFAIK, so it can do x3 = x1*x2 at the same time as it is doing x2++ (for the next loop of course, not this one). This means that both pipes start one bit of work, then wait for it to get out the other end, then do one bit of work again. So this is 25% efficientcy. A hypothetical single-pipe G3 would do x3 = x1*x3 and then do x2++, however it could not do x3 = x1 * x2 again until the x2++ was out the other end, which takes 4 cycles and started one after the previos x3 = x1*x2, which should mean 3 "bubble" stages and an efficientcy of 20%.

    Actually, it may be worse than that. Remember that this is in a loop. The loop means a compare instruction (are we done yet?) followed by a jump depending on the results of the compare. We therefore have 4 instructions in PPC I think per loop, and we can't compare x2 to 20000 until x2++ has gone through all the pipe stages. (Oh no!) And we can't jump until we know r]the result of the compare (oh no!). Seeing the pattern? Wanna guess what the efficientcy is for a really stupid compiled version of this "benchmark"? A: really freaking low.

    I'll see about adding more thoughts later.

    osama bin laden found. Osama Bin Laden found a.
  • Osama Bin Laden found a.

  • Scarlet Fever
    Oct 26, 03:19 AM
    sounds awesome :D

    but with my macbook containing 1,024,000 pixels, will you fund it for me please? :p

    osama bin laden found. Osama bin Laden, was found
  • Osama bin Laden, was found

  • thejadedmonkey
    May 2, 10:50 PM
    In addition, you have to click through an installer and enter your password then enter your credit card :rolleyes:

    Yes, and that prevents AntiVirus 2010 from successfully collecting credit card info too.

    osama bin laden found. Bin Laden was reportedly
  • Bin Laden was reportedly

  • miles01110
    May 2, 10:48 AM
    So what's your solution? Sounds like it's half "LOL Mac fanboiz r stupid" and half "Users are morons so lets keep them uninformed, and complacent on using antivirus software they don't need".

    Which would be especially genius advice since this latest malware pretends to be software that will protect their Mac.

    I'm not sure how youdrew that conclusion from my statements, but maybe things are different in your little world.

    Don't spread FUD about what the actual situation is. Practice safe computing habits like not installing cracked software or special porn codecs. Don't put your administrator password into random app installers that popup. Participate on Mac community sites to stay informed about possible threats.

    And finally - Don't install antivirus/malware software for no reason because most of them are **** anyway and will do more bad than good for your Mac.

    That's fine, but that's not what most fanboys espouse. "THERE ARE NO VIRUSES FOR OS X!!!" is not the same as "There is no malware for OS X," which confuses the uninformed user.

    osama bin laden found. Osama bin Laden found in 2009.
  • Osama bin Laden found in 2009.

  • archipellago
    May 2, 04:50 PM
    That's Mac OS X installed base, not the installed base of Macs, as I said. Mac OS X is not the only Mac OS out there. Reading comprehension is fun!

    Which means, of course, that you can't back up your claims with facts.

    So? That has nothing to do with your baseless claims about hackers.

    so theres 50 mill + users of OS 9 out there when its ten years old...?


    hmm, hope its not too windy for straw clutching over there!

    zero clue...

    osama bin laden found. osama bin laden found in a
  • osama bin laden found in a

  • deannnnn
    Oct 7, 06:09 PM
    Competition is gooooood.

    osama bin laden found. UPI reports that Osama bin
  • UPI reports that Osama bin

  • superleccy
    Sep 20, 06:14 AM
    All these calls for adding tuners, hard drives and burners are missing the point. Those functions belong in the host computer. iTV is just a method of getting the content from your Mac/PC to your stereo or TV.
    Agreed. If you want a Mac Mini on the shelf under your TV, then, er, buy a Mac Mini!
    If it's got a hard disk in it that's used for anything more than caching your iTunes Library file and thumbnails, I'd be very surprised.
    Agreed again. If the HD was to be used for anything more than this, Steve would have made a bigger deal of it at the presentation.


    osama bin laden found. Osama Bin Laden Found in Torah
  • Osama Bin Laden Found in Torah

  • OutThere
    Mar 13, 12:10 PM
    I do feel that nuclear energy has a place in our energy production environment. That said, I regret that the problems in Japan will increase the public anxiety over nuclear power, because it will create opposition to the construction of new, safer, cleaner nuclear plants and place us in a position of having to continue using old nuclear plants which are less efficient and less safe.

    Uranium mining can be an ugly process, but nuclear power sounds to me to be a pretty good option, particularly when paired with deep borehole disposal, which could nearly eliminate the ever-present waste question.

    osama bin laden found. Osama Bin Laden has been found
  • Osama Bin Laden has been found

  • bugfaceuk
    Apr 9, 09:26 AM
    Heh, you put "REAL" in caps. :p

    If you don't believe me, there's plenty of history to read. Just go look at the following industries that were disrupted by technology...

    osama bin laden found. Osama bin Laden was found
  • Osama bin Laden was found

  • CaoCao
    Mar 24, 11:01 PM
    Perhaps I missed something but these all appear to be acts of violence against homosexuals. Don't get me wrong, they are horrible acts but I believe that CaoCao specifically stated acts motivated by mainstream Catholicism.

    exactly, subtract the gangs, the mentally unstable, the non-Catholics and the inconclusively because the victim was homosexual and see where we are

    osama bin laden found. Out to Osama Bin Laden. found
  • Out to Osama Bin Laden. found

  • Photics
    Apr 9, 09:53 PM
    Here is an easy way to explain it. You can heat a slice of bread in a toaster and a microwave oven. Are you going to say microwaves compeat with toasters now. When they do not heat bread the same way.

    That's a tough analogy, as it's true... microwaves and toasters can coexist. (Although, I don't have a microwave. It does strange things to pizza.) Yet, I don't think it's the same in the gaming world. Are iOS games really so different from other video games?

    The only thing really lacking is a decent controller. There are so many ways to resolve this.

    Example... put a motion sensing camera on the Apple TV. That $100-$150 box could be used for FaceTime and video games. I think that would be very popular.

    Another Example... the remote control for the Apple TV could be expanded into a controller.

    Yet Another Example... one iOS device can be used to control another. This technology is already in play.

    I can't see how Apple making a Bluetooth controller, which, say looked a bit like a PS3/360 controller, and selling it as an optional accessory could be in any way a negative thing.

    The negativity that I see is if it's an unsupported accessory. What if customers don't go out and buy it? What if developers don't modify their games to support it? There are lots of failed game accessories out there. While I doubt Apple will release the next Nintendo Power Glove, a goofy looking controller � like the PlayStation move � could be harmful to iOS gaming.

    osama bin laden found. Osama Bin Laden Found in Torah
  • Osama Bin Laden Found in Torah

  • Digital Skunk
    Apr 13, 09:56 AM
    Here are videos of the event... that way you can pretty much 'see' for yourself what it does or doesnt do.




    Okay, I watched the videos anyway . . . :):D :p Whatever, I was curious and they are the only one's I've seen in the past hour.

    There's not one added feature that a student/hobbyist/professional or game changer shouldn't like.

    Things like Magnetic Timeline would actually help an editor cut faster. I digress again.

    Things like Magnetic Timeline however, COULD make certain tools like trim, roll, and slip not needed. I am sure they'll be in the palette, but no more trim --> highlight --> grab and move --> deselect. You just move the clip. I'd like to see that in more detail though, the video had it cut off.

    Another example of what some may be talking about . . . Nesting and Compound clips. Nesting was nice, but terribly executed. Compound Clips ------>>>>>>> Nice!

    osama bin laden found. Osama Bin laden found/killed
  • Osama Bin laden found/killed

  • danielwsmithee
    Sep 12, 03:53 PM
    I have to disagree with many of the comments on this thread. I think this is an ideal device. I don't want a computer connected to my TV I want to gain access to the content on my computer on my TV. It is two different ways of looking at these products.

    As far as not having a DVR/tuner that should be done on your computer. The products available from elgato eyeTV etc. are already excellent and probably much better then Apple could start up and hope to compete with. EyeTV is already compatible with iTunes and the iPod, and it will be for this too. You just have to realize that the recording is going to happen at your computer not your TV. I really think the combination of eyeTV, iTunes and iTV is going to be much better then any competitors MCE etc.

    It all goes back to Apple's philosophy of making the computer the center of your digital life. The TV is just a tool now to view what you have on your computer.

    This does also offer one advantage over the mini besides price component video.

    osama bin laden found. Osama bin Laden Photo: AP
  • Osama bin Laden Photo: AP

  • NebulaClash
    Apr 28, 08:44 AM
    Exactly! Desktop shipments still outpace laptop shipments. Desktops and Laptops will continue to hold top market share, while inevitably tablets will cut into that margin and find a nice place and sit. Desktops have been around since the beginning.. and every challenger to it has never surpassed the market share. Laptops, Netbooks, Tablets, smartphones... whatever.. people still need desktops and laptops for prolonged productivity.

    Actually, phones outsell PCs now.

    But the point of Eras is that each one is bigger than the one that came before it because it expands the market for users:

    Mainframes had a limited market.

    Minicomputers had a larger market, while mainframes continued to be around for those who need them.

    PCs had a larger market yet, while minicomputers and mainframes continued to be around for those who need them.

    Tablets will have an even larger market yet, while PCs, minicomputers and mainframes continue to be around for those who need them.

    osama bin laden found. in Osama+in+laden+found
  • in Osama+in+laden+found

  • nixd2001
    Oct 13, 05:54 PM
    Originally posted by javajedi

    I have my theory as to why java took the lead over C in the sqrt example....

    It might be worth finding C and Java language lawyers as well. ISTR that their treatment of IEEE FP values is different in subtle areas. I can tell you from past experience that these subtle areas are often what hammers performance. I'm talking about treatment for NaNs and that sort of thing. So this may be relevant?

    osama bin laden found. leader Osama Bin Laden has
  • leader Osama Bin Laden has

  • skunk
    Mar 15, 06:48 PM
    I've found that most people don't care as much about their country as people believe (or say they do). They and their families well being come first above all else in almost ALL cases of people. They only care about the "country" when it benefits them in a way that they know (or are used to).What evidence do you have for this beyond the purely anecdotal?

    Not that I hope there is, but if there is nuclear a threat to their health, or their (future) children's health, you better bet they will move along to better pastures.You think there wasn't a nuclear threat in 1945?

    As for "moving to the US" one of the reasons why the US is so "advanced" is not because of age old traditional Americans' feats, but the immigrants who were given the opportunity to migrate here to "escape" their country. You didn't think we invented rockety, did you? What about nuclear power? E=mc2 itself was discoverd by someone who really didn't love his country! And a whole slew of other things...like the early computers. Mostly all of this was by immigrants who left their country to go to "the land of opportunity".Usually either because their country was in ruins or because they were under threat. Neither of these things applies in Japan. There has been a major natural catastrophe, possibly more to come, but if they managed to rebuild and thrive after the wholesale destruction of WW2, they will manage this time, too. If your thesis were true, then Japan, Germany (and most of the rest of Europe) would be depopulated wasteland. Some people clearly feel heavily invested in their local cultural values.

    osama bin laden found. news that Osama Bin Laden
  • news that Osama Bin Laden

  • Groovey
    Aug 29, 06:03 PM
    GreenPeace's new agenda: Save the iPods :rolleyes:

    Something like that. They probably put pretty much weight on iPod's battery issues together with their sales amount. Waiting for that green-colored "Limited Edition Greenpeace iPod".

    Apr 5, 05:31 PM
    One thing that got me was that you cannot make apps fill the screen without dragging and resizing. You can only resize from the bottom right corner. No real other annoyances for me that I can think of.

    SizeUp is awesome for this, as well as tiling applications on the screen.

    Jul 12, 01:55 PM
    The MacBooks sound so underpowered (even though that's really not the case) with the new announcement...

    Oct 7, 07:00 PM
    The iPhone clearly has the traction and the momentum. Unless Apple builds a clunky square with a cheap keyboard and a lousy screen that barley has room for a giant clock, the iPhone will remain king. See who laughs last when iPhone crosses 100M units sold.

    Oh BTW, did I mention they have the App Store. The ecosystem is well defined and by the time 2012 comes around they App Store will have over 100,000 apps.

    Sep 27, 08:44 AM
    Yes, Intel will be shipping Clovertowns then - but when will Apple get around to putting them in systems? (November - well, that can wait for The Lord God Jobs' keynote in January, for sure.)

    Most vendors are putting Merom systems in their customers' hands, but Apple is still shipping Yonahs in the MacIntelBooks.

    I'm at IDF at Moscone, and most of the booths have Kentsfield or Clovertown systems running. (Apple isn't in the hall.)

    I think that you're being very brave in assuming that Apple will ship quads in systems when Intel releases them...

    Not to mention the fact that they waited a month and a half after Woodcrest was released to announce the Mac Pro and Intel XServes -- based not on Intel processor release schedules but on Mac conference schedules. Then again, this is just a "core bump", rather than a truly new product or chip; IIRC the Quad G5 followed fairly soon after the dual-core G5 processors were announced. Then again AGAIN, the XServes won't even be available 'till October; would they really update them again one or two months later?

    Mar 16, 11:25 AM
    While I have misgivings about Nuclear power I do think it is a good midrange solution to our problems until we can solve our battery problems (thus enabling true renewable energy sources to be viable), drilling isn't a viable solution to anything.

    The US doesn't have the resources to provide for our society on our own. Not to mention that the whole process of drilling can take decades (meaning 10+ years, not something like 20+) to play through to the point where steady production can begin. You can't just go out and drill, even if you find something you have to set up the supporting infrastructure first before it is viable.

    I'm glad you understand the nuclear is a good solution. You're a bit off base regarding drilling though...

    First, the 10+ years argument is pointless. Think about it. If after 9/11 we would have started drilling, started seeking out more domestic energy, we'd be producing a ton more of it today (10 years later) and our prices would be less affected by unrest in the middle east today. We'd be more secure today. We'd have a less hawkish view of war in the midwest today. Something good taking a few years to develop is not a reason to not do it.

    Second, the U.S. has HUGE untapped deposits of oil, coal, and especially natural gas. And as the facts prove, it's a VERY viable fuel source.

    Third, we do in fact have the resources to provide for our own society. Expand nuclear, expand oil, expand coal, expand natural gas, expand biofuels, keep investing in promising new alternatives (private investment, not government) and we could get to energy independence in probably 10 years or less. The only reason we're not doing it is because of burdensome government regulations and the fact that other countries can produce it cheaply. As prices rise, one of those issues becomes moot... Also, for the record, just because we could do it, doesn't necessarily mean we should. The free market should determine this. IF we're willing to pay more for American fuel, then so be it. If not, we'll continue buying from others... but don't let the government manipulate the markets and destroy common sense capitalism.