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osama bin laden 2010

osama bin laden 2010. image of Osama Bin Laden
  • image of Osama Bin Laden

  • kupua
    Oct 16, 09:00 AM
    Ballmer should consider giving a marketing contract to Gartner!

    osama bin laden 2010. Osama bin Laden in 2010?
  • Osama bin Laden in 2010?

  • d0minick
    Mar 18, 06:04 AM
    Until then I'm stuck because I believe in playing by the rules, no matter how F-d up they are...

    How could you be the real IT guy if you believe that? Never meant an IT guy that had to "tweak" a few things to get a system to work, the best toys do what the manufacturer never intended!

    osama bin laden 2010. Osama bin Laden May 2,
  • Osama bin Laden May 2,

  • DakotaGuy
    Oct 9, 10:11 PM
    I headed into the city after I was done teaching today and decided to go into the Gateway Country store and check out the new PC's. They are FAST and XP does seem just as nice as OSX. The guy quoted me some great prices as well. I want an all in one so I am looking at getting a new Profile. The guy told me that it is a lot faster then the iMac because the iMac has only 800MHz and even the cheapest Profile has a 1.7 Ghz processor. I use a computer at home for things like internet, email, digital photography, MP3's, etc. He showed me how great XP handles all of that stuff. I was impressed, before everyone slams the PC they really should go out and check out the new ones running XP.

    Like I said before I never considered getting a PC, but after reading comments over and over by people on here I can see their point on what computer is becoming a better value for people like me who use a computer like I do.

    It will probably be about a year until I get a new computer, I feel comfortable with the Mac and I do like OSX, but they seem like they are becoming poorer and poorer machines. My magical price point is around $1200-$1500 and I can't go over that. Like I said before it will probably be a year before I actually upgrade my desktop. I love my iBook and won't part with that, but I might try a Profile for a new desktop. I like the new eMac for the price, but by next year the eMac might be at 1 GHz but the Profile will probably be at 3Ghz and it just seems like a very poor value for the price.

    osama bin laden 2010. A new Osama bin Laden
  • A new Osama bin Laden

  • chirpie
    Apr 13, 11:01 AM
    I don't get the "imovie pro" comments. From the announcement, does it look like functionality is removed? What specifically would make this new version less pro than the previous.

    And why are you assuming that FC doesn't include all that functionality, or that Color is no longer included? They didn't talk about the rest of the suite, but for a software package two months from release, it seems just as likely that the rest of the suite is still there but they just didn't want to talk about them yet. Or did they actually say that it's just one app now instead of a suite?

    As a Logic user, I'm very interested to see if Soundtrack Pro is updated. It has a ton of potential but it has always been in horrible shape. Apple could kill it (and just beef up the audio in FC, but that seems like a bad strategy) or they could finally give it the attention it needs and finally make it an audio post app that can compete with Pro Tools. Hopefully Apple will have more info soon, will STP get an update, and if so will that update be available to Logic users (or will we have to wait until Logic X ships)?

    In Cory's defense, he's presenting this as large concern that hasn't been addressed yet, not that he's ready to jump ship on the idea of FCP X.

    And I share the concern. There's a LOT of unanswered questions around the suite. If Apple said "we're killing the rest of the suite" then I'd be p*ssed, but that doesn't sound likely at all.

    So now we're left to wait and see what other details emerge.

    A recap of a few things that made me happy... (from Larry's blog)

    * Rendering is now in the background and much faster because it harnesses the power of the GPU.
    * The 4 GB memory limit is gone – FCP will use as much RAM as you have installed on your system.
    * FCP X now uses all the processors on your system, not just one and a half.

    In addition, a flock of new features were added:
    * It supports editing video image sizes from standard definition up to 4K.
    * It uses fewer tools from the Tool palette (which is no longer there, by the way) by making the cursor smarter. WHERE you click something determines WHAT you can do with it.
    * A lot of existing features are jazzed up (linking and grouping are replaced by the much more elegant Clip Connection and Compound Clips)
    * While new features like the magnetic timeline, permanent audio sync and auto-metadata generation are flat-out stunning.


    And I for one LIKE the new UI. I was doing a favor for an aunt and was editing her son's graduation video and elected to do it in iMovie even though I have FCS3 and obviously while I didn't have all the functionality I was used too, I had plenty of moments where I was thinking "This part would have taken forever in FCP" or "I wish FCP was this slick looking."

    This PREVIEW is a large step in the right direction. Let's see where things go from here.

    osama bin laden 2010. Osama+in+laden+video+2010
  • Osama+in+laden+video+2010

  • leomac08
    Mar 11, 01:05 AM
    I have been seeing the breaking news, I saw a tsunami!:(

    It was originally 7.9 then upgraded to 8.8, then 8.9:eek:

    It's so devastating! Cars couldn't escape!:eek:


    osama bin laden 2010. osama bin laden latest news.
  • osama bin laden latest news.

  • FFTT
    Jul 12, 08:48 PM
    Just got Tom's Hardware Guide's publication today about Project Keifer.

    Intel's projected 32 Core processor. :D

    "Intel has been studying Sun's UltraSPARC T1 (Niagara) to come up with a radical processor redesign for 2010 that could perform 16 times faster than Woodcrest. This is no marketing blurb, guys; this is technical intelligence from within the Borg collective."


    osama bin laden 2010. Osama bin Laden
  • Osama bin Laden

  • Warbrain
    Oct 8, 07:55 AM
    Android my not be recognizable to the average consumer but GOOGLE sure as hell is.
    You average consumer has figured out that Android is made by Google. People trust Google and know they put out some great stuff. People know about google maps, google earth, google street view and Gmail shall I go on..

    All great things. People know the Android phones are made by google. The customization is a huge selling point as you can add a lot of apps. Set up the interface to exactly how you like it. Something you can not nor ever will be able to be done on the iPhone. That limitation is really a bad point about the phone.

    I think you're giving people too much credit. I can tell someone about Android and they don't have a clue about the OS or who makes it.

    osama bin laden 2010. Osama Bin Laden is back with
  • Osama Bin Laden is back with

  • Rot'nApple
    May 5, 03:40 PM
    Dismissive Title Macrumors!

    Shouldn't that read 'SOME' AT&T Customers Continuing to Experience Excessive Dropped Calls?!

    When Gizmodo leaked the iPhone photos, I talked to a friend with an iPhone 3GS and she has had it for well over a year in my local area, surrounding cities and even states. It is her only phone, no more land line and she loves to talk on the phone. Even before iPhone she was burning up the minutes.

    Anyway, not owning an iPhone myself, but this might be the model I've been waiting for, I asked her again, for her experience using the iPhone on AT&T's network regarding their service and if she had experienced problems, knowing all the complaints we hear and I'm not saying they aren't happening and are not legitimate, but what of my stomping grounds where I'll most likely be using the phone 99 percent of the time... What of it? Her answer...

    No Problemo (in honor of all the illegal aliens celbrating Cinco de Mayo by going to the Los Suns basketball game without any tickets 'cuz Lord knows you can't ask for "Papers Please" err tickets! :D

    osama bin laden 2010. OSAMA bin LADEN LIVING IN

  • bugfaceuk
    Apr 9, 11:13 AM
    Do you think the market can sustain four gaming companies?

    Sony, Nintendo, Microsoft and Apple? What if Google gets into the mix too? (They fumbled with Google TV, but it could be adapted and done properly.)

    I think Nintendo represents the "Casual" side of gaming, both with the DS line and the Wii. Nintendo dominated portables for many years. Since the launch of the original Gameboy, no one could really challenge Nintendo's dominance.

    But now, there are two new ways to enjoy portable gaming... Android and iOS.

    Just as Radio is still around after Television, it's possible that Nintendo can survive Apple's entry into gaming. Yet, will Nintendo be the dominate player? In what scenario do they stay #1? If iOS is real competition in portable gaming (DS line) and in home gaming (Wii) is threatened by Apple TV / iPad, I think that looks like there are some real challenges ahead for Nintendo.

    The 3DS is a surprise to me, as it's fairly expensive for a Nintendo portable. Why spend $250 on a 3DS when an iPod Touch starts at $229? Sure... it depends on your preferences, but the iPod Touch / iPhone is a successful alternative. This isn't the same battle the Gameboy faced against the Sega's Nomad / Game Gear, the Turbo Express Portable or Atari Lynx. In addition to hardware, the software can be cheaper on iOS / Android too.

    Game ratings on iOS start at 4 and up.
    Games for the 3DS start at 7 and up. It's harder to market a product when there are warnings about vision.


    What happens this Christmas if Apple decides to launch an Apple TV that plays games... for $99? In these tough economic times, I think that's a serious threat to Nintendo.

    So, Nintendo's portable line is under attack... both from Sony/Android and now Apple. Nintendo's console market is also under attack, as the Wii appears to be losing steam. If Apple enters the market with a $100 system, that's serious competition.

    Here's a story... I was asked to make a recommendation for a gift. This was a nice gift, something around $250. At first I looked at the Nintendo 3DS. I thought it would be a cool gift because it was new. Yet, there was a regional lockout issue and I'm not sure it's something that's really good for a kid. At least with an iPod Touch, there's more to do with it than just games. Sure... the Nintendo 3DS does more than just games, but I think that the iPod Touch is a much better overall device... FaceTime, web browsing, iOS development, books, utilities, entertainment. It says, "Hey, I want you to have fun... but I also want you to learn something and be productive."

    I recommended the iPod Touch. But surprisingly, this was not the gift that was purchased. Instead, an Android tablet was purchased as the gift. Heh... Android... that would not have been my choice.

    Yet, that's the changing market. With iOS and Android, there's a lot more competition in portable devices... and I think that will eventually spill into the livingroom with game consoles. It's new technology that threatens Nintendo.

    I think the strength of Nintendo is their software line... Mario, Zelda and popular games like that. If Nintendo struggles with hardware, they could eventually become software exclusive. That doomsday scenario has been uttered for many years � as Sony's entry into the market caused a lot of trouble for Nintendo. The company managed to turn things around with the DS and the Wii. Can Nintendo do it again when Apple is offering cheaper hardware, cheaper software?

    One could argue about iOS games being mostly casual... and that the lack of a controller causes problems... but Apple can fix that problem if they so choose. With Game Center, and news like the one that started this thread, it shows that Apple is getting serious about gaming.

    That's obviously big trouble for Nintendo.

    I do think the market can sustain 4 companies, perhaps even especially the casual market which is significantly larger. I would challenge you to answer why you think the smaller top-end console market can sustain 2 large players, but the broader casual market could not?

    osama bin laden 2010. Osama Bin Laden is #39;living
  • Osama Bin Laden is #39;living

  • skunk
    Mar 24, 07:14 PM
    "When they express their moral beliefs or beliefs about human nature ... they are stigmatised, and worse -- they are vilified, and prosecuted.

    "These attacks are violations of fundamental human rights and cannot be justified under any circumstances," Tomasi said. Great description of their own behaviour, justified by a 2,500-year-old book of revisionist history. Anyway, what exactly was the relationship between David and Jonathan?

    osama bin laden 2010. osama bin laden niece model.
  • osama bin laden niece model.

  • AlBDamned
    Aug 29, 11:14 AM
    zero evidence, other than my gut feeling.

    Then that's nothing but semi-diluted Apple fanboi-ism which is, in my opinion, a lot worse than any Dell computer.

    Given Greenpeace's mission and credibility, I think it's safe to assume that all manufacturers featured were graded on the same criteria. So at least in this survey, it's quite believable that Apple has dived compared to its competitors.

    Apple does promote a hip, cool and socially aware image, but as a business it's quite far removed from that ideal.

    osama bin laden 2010. Osama bin Laden? July 31, 2010
  • Osama bin Laden? July 31, 2010

  • bugfaceuk
    Apr 9, 10:42 AM
    Are PR people not supposed to stop everyone hating you?

    Hang on. Let me just parse the negatives in that sentence.

    "Aren't PR people supposed to make everyone like you"

    Right that's better.

    Yes they are...

    osama bin laden 2010. osama bin laden still
  • osama bin laden still

  • janstett
    Sep 12, 05:46 PM
    Ah, now this is what I've been waiting for: the Airport Express for video, plus a little bit more. If it were shipping today, I'd high-tail it to the Apple Store and buy one. But given a few months to think about the $299 price tag, we shall see if that feeling holds up.

    These types of devices have existed for years (UPnP Digital Media Adapters). I wonder if this will be UPnP compatible, probably not -- Rendevous pretty much a UPnP alternative.

    osama bin laden 2010. Osama bin Laden has become
  • Osama bin Laden has become

  • dethmaShine
    Apr 20, 05:30 PM
    Android is to Windows, as iOS is to Mac OS.

    The similarities are astounding � Google is doing the same thing Microsoft did back in the day.

    As much as Apple cares about marketshare, the experience is more important to them then the product itself. That's really something.

    And there's one more thing. Back then, it was Mac and only mac.

    Today, its an ecosystem. Hard to beat.

    osama bin laden 2010. osama bin laden video 2010
  • osama bin laden video 2010

  • DemSpursBro
    Apr 10, 07:00 PM
    I'm not sure sure what you mean when you say "for the things it is good at." What do you mean? What things?

    The only real advantage, aside from aesthetics, macs have over PC is more user friendly video/music editing. Speaking from experience here,
    you can do the same on a PC, but it's slightly more difficult.

    Unless you're buying some old/bad brand, a PC will normally give you greater hardware capabilities and you can always dual boot or just only use the Mac OS.

    I would like to show this picture that I threw together a couple of months ago.

    http://img831.imageshack.us/img831/4838/macnotworthit.jpg (http://img831.imageshack.us/i/macnotworthit.jpg/)

    Of course, it's speaking about games, but that also doubles as video/music editing capability.

    osama bin laden 2010. Osama bin Laden photo
  • Osama bin Laden photo

  • ranviper
    Apr 12, 10:04 AM
    Actually, I do think this would bug me. I love that I have all of my most used programs (Word, Excel, Photoshop, Lightroom, Notepad, etc, plus one particular folder) right there for easy access with 1 click of the Start button -- yet hidden away completely out of sight (until I click on Start). I also love having quick access to my "Recent Items" list, to quickly open a file I was recently working on.

    How are the above 2 things done on a Mac?

    eek... I use "alt-tab" and "copy & paste" A LOT! :eek:

    Doesn't Mac have these things too? :confused:

    Actually the mac dock id essential the same as the windows start menu. The difference is you can put it essentially anywhere on the screen (use an app called deeper to help with this) and you can have as many apps as your heart desires. Folders and stacks as well. AND, you say out of site? Hide the dock. Easy.

    Mac OS also has the recent items and "alt" tab and such. Command usually takes place of alt and/or control in mac os however. Or the apple key on older keyboards. Cheers.

    osama bin laden 2010. usama bin laden pictures,
  • usama bin laden pictures,

  • Photics
    Apr 9, 09:33 AM
    Nah. All those games you mentioned would be part of a pack of 25 on Nintendo for 19.99.

    I see lots of opinion here, but not a lot of facts. While there are some retro packs, where is a collection of 25 games � less than a year old � for the Nintendo DS?

    Here's more like reality...
    Bookworm... $20 on the Nintendo DS, but 99�-$2.99 on iPhone.

    osama bin laden 2010. its chief Osama bin Laden
  • its chief Osama bin Laden

  • sblasl
    Oct 28, 02:25 PM
    Has any one installed a Western Digital Raptor X WD1500AHFD 150GB 10,000 RPM 16MB Cache Serial ATA150 Hard Drive in one of the current systems to use as their boot drive?

    osama bin laden 2010. Where is Osama Bin Laden?
  • Where is Osama Bin Laden?

  • NikeTalk
    Mar 18, 01:34 PM
    Knowing AT&T they may just switch every iPhone user over, now that'd be hilarious..

    Sep 12, 03:45 PM
    The iTV sounds great, however if I buy one I�m going to want to be able to utilize it to its fullest extent. And right now, living outside of the US, without access to TV shows on iTunes, let alone the new movies, it just doesn�t make sense for me to buy one. Hopefully things will change next year by the time it is released, but I have my doubts. As a result, there are going to have to be some other amazing features incorporated into this box to convince me to buy it, otherwise I�m not shelling out good money for a STB which Apple has essentially crippled for me. :cool:

    Oct 26, 09:07 AM
    I am waiting for a quad core MP and a copy of FCS. I hope they make it before Xmas. THen, it would indeed be a glorious Xmas.

    The move to intel shifts Apple paradigm for good. Expect your Apple computers and gadgets to be absolete much2 sooner

    fat phil
    Apr 13, 08:36 AM
    There's some very exciting stuff in there - I can't wait to get my hands on it.

    But as someone gestured at earlier, what's new isn't the only thing of importance, but what's the same/familiar - shortcuts for instance is a good one.

    There does seem to be a lot of confusion over Motion and Color. They're seperate applications in their own right, and it would be overkill to try and embed them into a single FCP editor (certainly in the case of Motion, which benefits from being seperate). I can't imagine them being removed and I suspect that the nice $299 price is because that's the price of the editor on it's own, and the Studio will follow, and a more accustomed pricetag.

    Apr 9, 05:31 PM
    There's a market for games with more depth that sell at higher prices, and there's a market for cheap on-the-go games that are great for downtime on the train or waiting at the airport.

    The point is the line between these two camps is being blurred. It's a feature of the post-PC era. Look at what the App Store games section is evolving into - daily, monthly, yearly. It's pretty astounding. Soon, "hardcore gaming" will characterize other devices in addition to consoles. THIS is the real revolution that's going on when it comes to the gaming market. Apple is redefining it.

    Sep 26, 01:24 AM
    I made a joke before about what the hell anyone would need with 8 cores, but the truth is that I've been doing so much simultaneous photo, PS/InD, video at work this past couple weeks that I'm constantly taxing the 2GHz dual G5 w/ 4.5GB of RAM.. I mean like grinding it to a halt. Same with my MacBook, and don't even get me started on my iMac G5 Rev C.

    I've said this before though: Apple, and other devs, need to make use of parallel processing. A handful of apps will use 2 procs / cores, but it's a wasteland above that. All these cores are great for working with multiple apps simultaneously, but I want to use 5-6 cores on one app. Make that possible and I'm happy.

    My only hope is now that multi-core systems have gone mainstream that someone (cough -M$-cough) will make multi-processor aware apps "fashionable" and extend the trend.

    The Demi-Gods may be able to back me up on this, but Apple's not been great on this front despite leading (well, NEXT) the front on main stream multi-processor systems.


    8 cores ought to be enough for anybody. true, what would you do with extra cores? simply overkill.

    2 core OS? You runnin' Vista? :-D

    Anandtech already reported the 4 core chips WILL WORK in the Mac Pro.

    I can definately see how this is going to work out model wise. We'll see the current $2499 model and the up and down options, plus one quad core model at $3299 or possibly less depending on the dual core price drop.

    Also, 8 cores would be insane for rendering workstations. 4 cores for rendering in the background, 2 for OS, 2 for other work.