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Nigella Lawson Hot

Nigella Lawson Hot. Nigella Lawson - Exclusive
  • Nigella Lawson - Exclusive

  • Gem�tlichkeit
    Apr 23, 08:22 PM
    Having extra resolution would probably look awesome on the GUI, but I'm afraid everything else is going to look like crap.

    The graphics used on websites, for example, would become a pixel counting fest. Unless the entire web updates their graphics, of course. But that would mean slow loading times. Imagine all the smileys used on this forum would have a resolution of 512x512 pixels, or more. Yikes!

    This won't be an issue.

    Nigella Lawson Hot. dont forget Nigella Lawson
  • dont forget Nigella Lawson

  • ikir
    May 8, 12:45 AM
    For me it is very useful, especially contact, ical sync over air.

    They could make it cheaper like 19$ at year or make some stuff like iPhone tracking a paid service.

    Nigella Lawson Hot. Nigella Lawson
  • Nigella Lawson

  • esaleris
    Aug 11, 09:49 AM
    I think to the end user, the difference between Yonah and Merom is minimal.

    From a supply chain perspective, it is far easier to manage one SKU than multiple ones. You immediately half the number of CPUs that you need to stock by moving all mobile to Merom. And give the fact that some speculate the price between the two CPUs are minimal, and that Apple is a premium brand, it wouldn't be a far reach to see that it is quite advantageous for them to move onto better hardware and keep the price as is.

    It's a speed bump, if anything. Not something Apple typically makes a big fuss about, despite the fact we know it's two different cores. Yonah -> Merom is a far smaller ordeal than Merom -> Santa Rosa.

    Nigella Lawson Hot. Nigella Lawson – The Domestic
  • Nigella Lawson – The Domestic

  • GoodWatch
    Apr 5, 01:53 PM
    "Toyota had agreed to do so to "maintain their good relationship with Apple," "

    Toyota has a relationship with Apple, good or bad? Why? I don't see the connection.

    The upcoming iPrius ;)

    Nigella Lawson Hot. poser Nigella Lawson who
  • poser Nigella Lawson who

  • Plutonius
    May 3, 06:39 PM
    I'm confused. Are you saying that the villain gets to listen to our conversations and then place the traps? Can he place a trap in the room we're in right now? If so, should this planning be done via PM?

    He goes after we have moved and has to anticipate where we are going next.

    Nigella Lawson Hot. somewhat emaciated Lawson.
  • somewhat emaciated Lawson.

  • treblah
    Aug 3, 01:18 AM

    Here you go buddy.

    More noteworthy than the performance result is the way the T7600 achieved the performance gain. Despite the fact that the processor is rated at a higher thermal design power than its predecessor (34 watts and 31 watts, respectively), Merom consumed slightly less power during the benchmark run. The exact system ran nine minutes or 7% longer with the Merom chip than with the Core Duo. This result is especially impressive if we consider the fact that Merom packs twice the amount of (power consuming) L2 Cache on its die: The Core 2 Duo T 7600 comes with 4 MB, while the Core Duo T2600 uses 2 MB.

    GOOD GOD, 7%!!! Oh wait, that sounds pretty consistent to me. :rolleyes:

    Nigella Lawson Hot. Nigella Lawson is ageing
  • Nigella Lawson is ageing

  • -aggie-
    May 3, 06:18 PM
    holy smokes these games are intimidating to play....

    here I am thinking the basic werewolves games were hard lol

    We�ve never had a game like this before, so you shouldn�t let this put you off.

    if we explore is that our move and then the villain makes his? Or if we pick a door would this be a way to avoid the villain�s traps, since he may have put one in the room we�re in?

    Nigella Lawson Hot. And coz she#39;s hot too!
  • And coz she#39;s hot too!

  • GuitarDTO
    Mar 28, 10:58 AM
    I think 2012 makes perfect sense for the iPhone 5. The 4 is still amazing and doesnt need a processor bump at the moment. Plus, I think the biggest thing, Apple wants to include 4G/LTE in the device. There is no point in releasing a 5 with just a processor bump unless it includes 4G, and my guess is they need a little more time polishing up the 4G device. The next iPhone could very well be a big change similar to 3GS to 4.

    Nigella Lawson Hot. I look like Nigella Lawson.
  • I look like Nigella Lawson.

  • NebulaClash
    May 4, 03:44 PM
    So I guess we'll all just send you our AT&T Internet Bills when we go over their newly implemented data usage caps? :eek:


    Absolutely. Send 'em right over and I'll know precisely what to do with 'em.

    Seriously, I don't see why anyone would object. This is merely another option for getting OS X. It adds to our choices. This is not right for you? Use the traditional method. Nobody loses.

    Nigella Lawson Hot. Nigella Lawson steals the
  • Nigella Lawson steals the

  • k2k koos
    Nov 26, 04:19 PM

    i hope it will look better than this, the buttons and ir ports etc are very "UN-APPLE" and basically remind me of something realy cheap....

    Nigella Lawson Hot. Nigella Lawson: The voluptuous
  • Nigella Lawson: The voluptuous

  • shandowee
    Aug 4, 04:54 AM
    (Sorry but my english is only valid to read, not to write...)

    por aqu� en Espa�a tambi�n estamos como locos esperando los nuevos merom aunque seamos realistas, coincido con los compa�eros que dicen que hasta que f�sicamente no dispongan de los nuevos MBP no los van a anunciar ya que Jobs no puede permitirse perder tanto dinero (la gente esperar�a por el nuevo si lo anuncia en la WWDC)

    So I think the new MBP with merom is not going to appear the 7th because jobs would lost a lot of buyers waiting for the meroms, you know, If someone tells you that in a month you are going to have a new processor, sure you are not going to buy the "obsolet model". Anyway I still dreaming each nigth with a merom MBP...

    Nigella Lawson Hot. Nigella Lawson
  • Nigella Lawson

  • dethmaShine
    May 4, 03:17 PM
    I'm the one that raised the point in the first place! I think I set the context!

    Exactly. You did set the context but you did fall out your words when you said that MAS download would be a better thing to exploit which in any case, not true.

    Just like 'small white car' corrected you, there's nothing worse than an unrestricted Mac OS Install Disk. Simple.

    I do. I don't have any need to violate it. I only have one Mac.

    All of my computers have a fully licenced copy of Windows XP or 7 on them.

    It's great. Good that you don't. Just saying that EULA doesn't hold a candle in practicality and can be easily exploited. I can illegally install the OS on a laptop in front of Apple and they cannot do anything. Not that they care, but even if they did, they couldn't.

    Nigella Lawson Hot. love about Nigella Lawson
  • love about Nigella Lawson

  • poppe
    Aug 3, 11:42 PM
    Wow! Tip of the hat to Apple and Intel. But why aren't the Blue Man on my TV selling the Core 2 Duo? Somebody tell them to put the LSD away and get to a studio.

    And of course, nobody's talking about the elephant in the room. These new chips are SIXTY FOUR BIT BABY. Is 32-bit the new G4? Cuz we all know the G4 is the new G3.

    64-bit OSX by the end of the year perhaps? With quadruple binaries to support the G4, the G5, the Core Duo, and the Core Duo 2? Or will Apple deny us our 64-bit freedom?

    64 Bit has been talked alot about. There is a thread called 64 Bit Core Duo (why not core 2 duo, I don't know) acctually I think, but I know nothing about it so I can't comment. It won't make 32 bit things even close to G4. 64 Bit, from what i've read, isn't really optimized until two things: the operating system is ready to manage it, and the software is designed for it. The Core 2 duo will be faster than the core duo, but for multiple reasons and not only on the 64 bit computing.

    Nigella Lawson Hot. Nigella Lawson starts a
  • Nigella Lawson starts a

  • nuckinfutz
    May 7, 10:49 AM
    Free MobileMe as an iAd platform? That sounds about right. Paid MobileMe without the iAds? I think we're getting somewhere now...

    The problem with this idea is that it's based on the assumption that Apple wants to be like Google and suddenly become an advertiser.

    They purchased Quattro and developed iAds because it represents a mutually beneficial deal for developers on the app store and Apple. Apple designs the ads and runs them on their servers and developers get to deliver free or .$99 apps that can actually be profitable. Quid pro quo...Apple gets more apps hopefully that don't suck and the developer gets to reap the rewards of the success of the app store.

    That same play doesn't come into effect with Mobileme. It's not dependent on 3rd party developers delivering content so thusly you will not see iAds in Mobileme.

    Nigella Lawson Hot. NIGELLA LAWSON/NIGELLA

  • snebes
    Mar 30, 05:54 PM

    At least 95% of rumors posted here and other Apple-related forums end up being wrong.

    MacRumors is keeping up with this obvious error. I doubt Lion will be ready even by the WWDC. A summer release is what I predict.

    Nigella Lawson Hot. with Nigella Lawson#39;s new
  • with Nigella Lawson#39;s new

  • Consultant
    Mar 29, 08:57 AM
    And Amazon thinks crippling ioS compatibility will be good business? FAIL.

    Nigella Lawson Hot. Nigella Lawson Hot Rummy
  • Nigella Lawson Hot Rummy

  • throttlemeister
    Mar 31, 12:39 AM
    Yup. Ever since our government and our dollars allow larger companies to strong arm smaller businesses to manufacture their products cheaper overseas, thereby shutting down American plants and businesses, we shot ourselves in the collective foot.

    Google Walmart and Rubbermaid. The growing trend in overseas production was kicked in high gear when Walmart threatened Rubbermaid that they would pull their product if they didn't shut down their American businesses to manufacture their products in cheaper bulk in China. Rubbermaid refused as they employed thousands of Americans, and not just in production plants but in marketing, etc. In 1994 Walmart pulled all Rubbermaid products from their shelves, Rubbermaid lost 60%+ of their business, almost went bankrupt, was bought by another company, shut down their plants, and acquiesced to Walmart. Walmart then went into the towns where Rubbermaid once employed so many and built Walmarts. Now ex-Rubbermaid employees who had pensions, 401k's and 100K+ salaries are forced to shell out cheap Chinese goods at minimum wage.


    AND GET READY, now that the Supreme Court has ruled that politicians can receive UNLIMITED FUNDING from CORPORATIONS, we will see even more corporate Amerikkka placing their divested interests into Washington. More nuclear power plants and waste and BP oil spills? "You betcha! Drill, baby, drill" and keep those lobbyists working! :rolleyes:

    FACT: the biggest cargo ship to date was built in China, it carries manufactured products to the US, and garbage disposed of FROM the US. The mid-20th Century, we were one of the biggest producers of quality goods in the world. Now, with a failed education system, 60%+ of our money going to our military to obtain natural resources and less money to become an educated and healthy global member, we are simply "meat with eyes", consuming everything that is marketed our way, spending our money through Goldman Sachs and producing almost NOTHING.
    Yes, it's the government's fault, together with corporate America. Easy ain't it, blaming politicians and greedy CEO's? How about taking a long hard look at your own (aka The Consumer) behavior? Why do you think Wall-Mart is so big and little Mom & Pop stores are all but extinct? The Consumer does not want to pay for American/European/Western made products, they want cheap, cheap, cheap. The Consumer does not care about quality, they want the cheapest possible product, and then bitch and whine when it fails. You, The Consumer, is what made corporations go to Asia and other cheap labor countries, because you, The Consumer, refused to pay for the 100k+ salaries, 401K and pensions of working Americans. You can't have the cake and eat it too. If The Consumer wanted quality products that are Made in the USA, they would have bought them and it would be a selling point for the companies making them.

    Stop blaming politicians and corporations for the results of your own buying behavior. Take some responsibility for your own actions for a change.

    Anyway, I can't wait for Lion. I am sure it has features I will not use, and I am just as sure it has features I really love. And if I don't like it, I can always go back to SL, or even completely move away from Apple. It is not like Apple is the be all, end all and I am forced to use their product. There is plenty of alternatives out there.

    Nigella Lawson Hot. Nigella Lawson Recipes
  • Nigella Lawson Recipes

  • iApples
    Apr 10, 02:42 AM
    Again, I'd like to warn people: this is not always true. Even if you enter it exactly as above, your calculator will not always give you 288. Some will give you two. Some settings may give you two. Don't trust a calculator blindly.

    Reset your settings to default and you'll get 288. I've tried it on 7 calculators that I've found around the house. 6 of them equalled to 288 and the 7th one equalled to 2. But that calculator did not have the numbers entered exactly as in the OP. Or you can go try it on Google. Google doesn't lie.

    Looks like your sarcasm is on par with you math. When you have to explain sarcasm, it's not really sarcastic.

    It must be on par with your math skills then. Horrible.

    Nigella Lawson Hot. Nigella Lawson Hot Rummy
  • Nigella Lawson Hot Rummy

  • harrymerkin
    Apr 25, 09:53 AM
    Who cares if they do track me? people actually think they are of importance that apple wants to know there whereabouts of some ******* with an Iphone 4?

    May 3, 06:17 PM
    As for having a feel for the numbers, he's not alone. I have nearly 20 years of professional experience using Imperial units as a mechanical engineer, as does every mechanical engineer in the U.S. Switching systems (or, rather, making it mandatory) will require all of these engineers to re-learn the formulae they've known and used for decades. That's the equivalent of millions of man-years of engineering experience down the drain. That isn't progress, no matter how much you might want want to believe it is.

    :confused: Not progress because you'd have to relearn something? Mate, what progress would ever have been made if people always held to that argument? In the 80's/90's there were probably more than a few people in the design/publishing industry saying, 'Sorry, can't switch to Macs… Got 20 years experience rubbing Letraset down and maintaining my bromide machine.'

    Apr 20, 01:49 AM
    I'm on the 3GS > iPhone 5 > iPhone 7 upgrade sequence. I'm glad to be on it. I don't like to be a Beta tester. If there is an unseen design flaw (antennagate), it will give Apple a full year to "hopefully" fix the issue. I plan on using this phone without a case, so I don't want any antenna issues. I'm doubtful the iPhone 5 will have a better antenna. The Verizon iPhone has the same issues as the ATT iPhone. If Apple was going to fix it, they would have fixed it then....

    May 4, 07:13 PM
    Everything I heard said this image is not bootable nor usuable as a recovery media/installation media.
    Everything you heard is wrong, then. It works fine.

    Apr 21, 10:18 PM
    1080p is such a low resolution -_- BAH! You stink.

    WTF is wrong with lots of expandability? If I can shove 4 drives in my machine instead of having 4 externals.. heck yea!

    Jul 30, 06:40 PM
    " While I'm sure if it is true..."

    it is true, i saw a add for it in a magazine. it gave the website: www.iphone.org,
    but when i typed that in, all it gave me was the apple website with the .org URL. and its not a flip phone. its made by Sony Ericson. I believe this is why an Apple logo showed up on that one thing Sony was showing.

    i saw the real one on the back pages of a "MacBook" magazine. would have bought it, but it was $30.http://www.ipodnoticias.com/uploaded_images/iphone-701958.jpg
    it was this add