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Filer High School

Filer High School. High School on Saturday,
  • High School on Saturday,

  • nazaar
    Apr 5, 01:31 PM
    Get the F over it Apple...
    I just recently JB'ed my iPhone and it's sooo much better.
    It's my device. I paid for it. I should be able to do what ever I want with it.

    Don't give in Toyota!

    Filer High School. journal topics for high school
  • journal topics for high school

  • Oilbrnr
    Apr 7, 07:48 PM
    It really doesn't matter what the percentages are. At some point, the growth rate for tablets will start to slow down. By then, if you aren't already working on the next big thing, you're in trouble.

    The point is that Apple is likely to be working to be working on that product already. The question is whether companies like Moto, Samsung, and HP are.

    Filer High School. Highschool team Asheville High
  • Highschool team Asheville High

  • old-school
    Apr 25, 05:59 AM
    This isn't surprising news considering that Lion will be running on a new 27-inch iMac screen.

    Filer High School. Filer High School math teacher
  • Filer High School math teacher

  • ARF900
    Apr 25, 09:28 AM
    They may be preparing but im not holding my breath on this. They havent even gotten retina displays for the iPad yet...

    Filer High School. Hilltop High School. hilltop
  • Hilltop High School. hilltop

  • ptysell
    Apr 26, 03:59 PM
    Android could gain the other 36% of the market and it would still make less money in a year than Apple makes off iTunes alone in a quarter.

    Filer High School. Filer (Idaho) High School, Class of 63, Grade School Photo Album #010
  • Filer (Idaho) High School, Class of 63, Grade School Photo Album #010

  • Ori
    Apr 18, 04:32 PM
    Looking at the TouchWiz UI, I see your point.

    But, at what point does an interface become too generic? For example, the concept of pages of icons in a grid isn't really new or innovative. The concept of swiping across screens is simple and intuitive and should be standardized
    (e.g. copied) for that exact reason. Should other phone makers put the icons in a circle, "just because" they need to be different? Should they force you to do something differently just because the best and most intuitive way was "already taken"?

    Everyone loves car analogies, so: what if Ford decided to sue other carmakers because they copied their steering wheel design? Would other companies have been forced to adopt other types of controls -- joysticks or dials or foot pedals, perhaps -- "just because"? And would that have been good for the auto industry?

    The car industry isn't a good one to look at actually. A new top end S Class merc has hundreds of new patents with every modem revamp it does. Car companies constantly pay royalties to each other to use tech. Especially safety tech.

    Filer High School. Pineville High School
  • Pineville High School

  • Michaelgtrusa
    Mar 30, 07:11 PM
    Well we are getting closer.

    Filer High School. Student enrollment: 328. Students per teacher: 16. Full-time teachers: 21. Number of classrooms: 18. Wendell High School Enrollment by Grade
  • Student enrollment: 328. Students per teacher: 16. Full-time teachers: 21. Number of classrooms: 18. Wendell High School Enrollment by Grade

  • kretzy
    Sep 11, 07:00 AM
    Just trying to hedge off the 5,123 "This is BS, no MBP/MB updates OMG!!!11BBQ" threads. ;)
    You know it won't work though, don't you? :p

    I agree with your assessment though. :)

    Filer High School. hilltop high school chula
  • hilltop high school chula

  • vand0576
    Aug 11, 09:32 AM
    If they are truly planning this for the MacBook, then they are surely planning to bump the iMac to this chip too or better the Conroe. They continually refer to the MacBook and iMac as their "consumer line". I have been planning to buy an iMac for some time now, and this is definately an upgrade I would like to see. I'm most likely waiting until after MacWorld Expo to see what updates they will have for the iMac. The chip should be upgraded much before then, but I bet by that time they will have a few more upgrades for the iMac.

    Mac Pro and Xserve have the Xeon (Woodcrest).
    MacBook Pro, MacBook, and iMac will be upgraded to the Core 2 Duo (Merom) with iMac possibly being Conroe.
    Mac Mini will probably keep the Core Duo (Yonah).

    This sounds perfectly reasonable. Things are definately more interesting with the Intel chips because they are being rolled out so fast, unlike the PowerPC chips from Freescale/Motorola. It has only been about 6-7 months since the Core Duo was unveiled, now Core Duo 2 is here. Since Apple prides themselves on using advanced hardware, it only makes sense that they should upgrade the MacBook, MacBook Pro, and iMac to the Core 2 Duo (iMac=Conroe), and continue to upgrade to the best available chips Intel is offering at the time (aside from the 'extreme' editions).

    Filer High School. The US#39;s national high school
  • The US#39;s national high school

  • KnightWRX
    Mar 28, 09:58 AM
    Why because it doesn't have a dual core processor, 1GB of RAM ?

    Yes, precisely. Android and other handsets are moving to Tegra 2/Orion based platforms with maybe quad core SoCs coming in Fall '11 from nVidia. An A5 equipped iPhone shipping around September would be outdated the minute it hits the shelves as far as hardware is concerned.

    With Pocket Legends already reporting that gaming on Android is making them more money than on iOS and this delay in Apple's usual release schedule, it could mean that iOS gaming could lose out to Android and set the pace for future developments, just like what happened to Apple in the 80s with the rise of the PC.

    While I doubt we have anything to worry about short term as iOS device owners, if they keep this up in the long term and keep losing ground to Android, it might become a problem.

    Filer High School. high school musical 2 ps2
  • high school musical 2 ps2

  • LionsKiss
    Sep 16, 02:36 PM
    Current MBP specs 12" would be perfect for me, fast, portable. Of course if a 12" MBP comes then a C2D comes.

    Filer High School. Asheville High School
  • Asheville High School

  • dagomike
    Nov 3, 01:04 PM
    So, Apple online is now shipping these?

    Coincidentally I called today to cancel my order and they wouldn't let me. They said it was prepared to ship, but still telling me it will ship December 4th. What a painful conversation that was, but now I suppose it makes sense.

    Filer High School. affirmed that high school
  • affirmed that high school

  • MattDell
    Sep 15, 07:06 PM
    Of course MBPs are being updated... I BOUGHT ONE TODAY! :rolleyes:


    Filer High School. Noll#39;s Adonis Filer during
  • Noll#39;s Adonis Filer during

  • The Monkey
    Apr 7, 10:17 AM
    I see the short sighted Apple pom-pom shakers are once again giddy with excitement. The juvenile remarks are embarrassing.

    For some strange reason you think monopolies are good for consumers.


    Unfortunately, most posters here think Apple always acts in the best interests of its customers. Kind of cute, actually.

    Filer High School. Lunenburg High School, January
  • Lunenburg High School, January

  • Demon Hunter
    Aug 3, 11:15 PM
    I think the negative votes were from those who wanted Steve to announce Merom in updated Macs on Monday and not wait until September...

    Yeah... this seems to favor a Paris release...

    Filer High School. Lunenburg High School
  • Lunenburg High School

  • SteveRichardson
    Aug 11, 09:05 AM
    I. want. it. now.

    Filer High School. drew seeley high school
  • drew seeley high school

  • Pngwyn
    Apr 11, 12:22 AM
    The answer is most definitely 2.

    PEMDAS + left to right.. written the way it is.. the answer should be 2.

    The only way it would be 288 is if it was written:


    Filer High School. Indiana, PA High School
  • Indiana, PA High School

  • troop231
    Mar 29, 01:18 PM
    Yeah :( all the seismologists had no idea an earthquake this big could be triggered by LiPo batteries.

    Filer High School. high school participants,
  • high school participants,

  • milo
    Sep 11, 11:05 AM
    As for the movie store...I think I remember SJ in an interview awhile back saying, while he likes the purchase model for music, movies lend themselves to the subscription model because most people only watch a movie once or twice, Star Wars geeks notwithstanding. So I think the movie store is going to be like a true movie store. If you want to buy a movie you can, but the emphasis will be more on a NetFlix type model. A $15/mo sub gets you 3 movies at a time, unlimited d/ls per mo. Alternatively, you could rent a single movie for $4, viewable for a week or so. For people who don't have time to convert a DVD to an iPod viewable format that makes sense. Buying for $15 or $10 isn't going to excite anyone I don't think.

    I doubt a download service would be able to offer unlimited movie downloads, at least not for a price next to netflix. Netflix "unlimited" movies really aren't because they are limited by the speed of the post office (and artificially limited even more by Netflix if you watch too many).

    Apr 6, 06:14 PM
    I do think the Android and potentially RIM tablet will catch on. It's foolish to think Apple will be the only major player in the long run. The market is potentially too big.

    Apple is the only major player in the MP3 player market, even though that market is huge.

    Microsoft is the only major player in the desktop OS market, even though that market is huge.

    Google is the only major player in the search market, even though that market is huge.


    Apr 18, 04:32 PM
    You are crazy. If anything, this might indicate that iPhone 5 will be delayed for a year or two. Apple will have to build it's own factories for LCD panels, RAM and flash memory chips.

    If they keep using Samsung...

    I'm suggesting they may not be.

    Sep 15, 05:04 PM
    So happy that i will bring me out into song.

    :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
    I'm Happy
    So Happy
    So Very Very Very Happy.
    I'm Hap Hap Hap Hap Pe Pe Pe Pe
    I'm Happy
    So Happy

    But what will make me more happy is if I had a Core 2 Duo MacBook Pro in my hands right now.

    May 7, 04:16 PM
    This would be a good incentive for staying with Apple.

    May 3, 06:17 AM
    You think you've got it bad? In Britain we have
    milk and beer by the pint
    coke by the litre
    roads by the mile
    tablecloths/fabric etc by the metre
    petrol/diesel by the litre
    fuel efficiency is measured in miles per gallon but carbon emissions are measured in grams per kilometer.
    weight of people in stones and pounds
    sugar/flour etc in kilograms
    fruit by the pound
    cheese by grams
    bread loaves are labelled in grams, bread rolls sold by the dozen.
    height in feet and inches.

    It is a mess here. I wish we would switch fully to metric. I think we are getting there, very slowly. For example, 15 years ago the weather used to always be in oC and then oF, now just oC is very common. Supermarkets sell fruit and veg with the per kg price much larger than per lb. The around the corner sells milk by the litre which is nice. More and more people are using metres and kilograms to measure their height and weight. Some things are more problematic, there are millions of pint glasses for beer and all our road signs would be a fortune to replace with kilometres!

    The imperial system is crazy, but I think it will slowly but surely die out in the UK. Metric was pushed in about 40 years ago? Give it another 40 and I think we will be fully there!

    Hopefully our American cousins will finally see sense and start talking in civilised speak soon.