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Influenced by 馬榮成

remember when i was kid,
my drawing style was influenced by him.
he gave me the passion of art for a start.

till now i still appreciate his artwork.
no doubt, he was one of the best cartoonist
in term of worldwide...

self portrait @ 1994

hahaha, last time artwork,
are more humor & fun.
cant remember what's
theme for this... a bit childish.
but feel warm when i review this.

design studies

remind myself to keep on.
research & study for what
my major in... beside my hobby.

deja vu - junior

alway looking for new faces everywhere,
even some friends who got unique
characteristic, but usually celebrity,
mostly girl... realized i seldom draw male,
not to say i don't like to draw male.

designer's observation

observation is very important
talent for a designer, and also viewpoint.

from research – analysis –
observation – reflection.
4 basic design process,
observation carry the most
important role for designer.

jimi hendrix sketch

... play a heart break song...
... i just don't want to cry alone..

the week b4 was a bit rush & messy.
alway believe bad things come together...

say it to myself everything is alright.
self-healing in process... buck up!

drugs awareness illus

do more non-commercial artwork.
do more social awareness artwork,
this is for myself to show a positive
attitude and alive...

"tackling drugs, changing lives."

space layout for 3g roadshow

its rejected visual also.
just post it for a record only.
remind myself to do better
in future design job...

deja vu - comic style

haiz, realizes my comic drawing skill
need to be improve. and it was a bit "dry"
maybe myself got high expectation
on it... so hunger to upgrade my comic style.

but overall i like my style to be
very soft, light & easy...

cwc logo design

its a great ideas, no doubt.
but i think it cant launch by this year
and this is meaningful
for many people...
glad to design this..

the carrie memorial

i am sad, to lost a good client & friend yesterday,
and let's pray that she & her baby will be resting in peace.
carrie kong of videoezy.

link to "in loving memory of carrie kong"

my grandnephew - isaac chin

my grandnephew - isaac chin sketch.
my niece - chloe's son & treasure.
he bring the most happiness to his mum.

did the first portrait for him.
wishing isaac be happy, smile always.

practice visual

sometime when i am free,
will try to work out some brand-new
visual for some interested brand.
just for practice only.

deja vu - saki & neo

recently got a lot more
character pop up
from my mind...

this 2 girls was
the stranger in
my mind... so close yet
not belong to anyone.

so, i put in in a new category,
deja vu series's character.

bjork's world of creativity

" not everybody can be a painter -
and there is no need also.
if everybody is a painter,
the world will be very ugly;
it will be difficult to live.

but everybody can be creative."

- osho -

creativity observations in advertising

1. look for a picture

2. positioning means excluding

3. stay with good ideas

4. don't expect ads to put out brush fires

5. dare to be simple

6. an ideas that's truly different can't be tested

7. find a creative clients

inside temple photo

photo taken near petaling street.
opposite sin ma shopping complex.
an old temple inside town central.

bird's character - 乌鸦天狗与鸦仆

bird's myth series character.
ideas from the crow or raven.
study & apply a bit japanese manga
style on his custume design.
negative character, but not a villain...
very emotional character...
together with his maid.

bjork's painting

bjork's painting, i like it so much.
compare to my recent artwork...
... a start for myself to research
on music... year 1996,
i like my design process of that year.

look at her

Björk - icelandic singer-songwriter.
you will find out a lot of surprise,
every time you saw she appear...
beside music, she had an eye for design
and the skills to apply it...

bird's character - 展希翼

bird's myth series.
main character.
ideas from the white dove,
a messenger or an angel..
design it as a hidden character
in the story...

love & peace design icon

inspiration for design:.
Who doesn't like peace?
One theme, one word.
Peace and love!
yeah... hippie- ...

deja vu - Kat Von D

For tv’s sexiest tattoo artist,
from miami ink to L A ink,
yuppie punk’s characteristic.
for me, she is
gorgeous cause
she show how's life should be
enjoy as an artist...

first wave logo design

logo design done in 2006,
myself like this logo design process,
because get to know a new thing
i never touch about before...

i apply only simple element
to bring out the whole "energy"
for this pioneer's technology...

in the sky illus

a good laugh is good for the spirit,

but a good a cry good for the soul.

- bette midler -

new tech design

myself actually was a bit old-fashion,
hard to like things that's very new to me.

when i deal with gadget, brand new
product's advertisement artwork,
i need to spend extra effort
to get it done in good way.

for job, we cant' choose anyway...

design journal

a design communication tools,
for research in design &
visual communication...

a practice in the design disciplines.

so i keep write it almost everyday...

stone painting

this painting was describe about
myself as a hard-liner...

sometime i try so hard to
change myself for a new prosecution.
but end up till remain not changing...